Update – St Wilfrid’s & St George’s

Update: St Wilfrid’s and St George’s – Friendly lunchtime meal at the Treacle Mine, Midday Thursday 24th June.  I have been in touch with the Treacle Mine in view of the latest lockdown rules extended to 19th July. If the weather is good, then no problem we can eat outside under the awnings. If the weather is not good then it will be eating inside with up to 6 people per table (no flitting from table to table or changing seats) – that I will find difficult! Nevertheless, we will overcome these problems and have a lovely “Get Together”. We must start socialising again and meeting up with friends, something Fr Rory is very keen to do. I must have definite numbers of people going ASAP before Tuesday 22nd June. Please get in touch with Joan on 07873390944. Look forward to meeting up with you all again. I shall have my famous bell with me!

Deacon John Writes

Many of us will have been on a boat during a storm. It is often not a comfortable experience! The gospel this Sunday is the familiar one where Jesus actually sleeps while the storm is raging around their boat. The apostles get rather panicky and wake Jesus who in effect says ‘what is the problem you men of little faith’ and promptly gets the waves and wind to calm down. In times of trouble and distress we should always remember that Jesus is in the boat with us and that, with faith, all will be well eventually.

Last Thursday the gospel of Matthew introduced the Lord’s Prayer – the Prayer for ‘forgiveness’. He includes an instruction about ‘babbling’ on with lots of words. The. Instruction is saying ‘don’t do it! Use only necessary words = be short and concise. True forgiveness makes a huge difference to us and if there was more of it the world would surely be a better place!

On Saturday Matthew wrote about anxiety and worry – “why are you anxious about clothes?” Has any one of us never had thoughts which worry us? Worry about the time, have we got enough bread in, enough milk and others, many more serious to us. Whatever the problem, “trust in God” is the answer. Accept  that God loves us and he will take care of our worries – so let us all accept God’s love – he will care for us and is the perfect antidote for any worry or anxiety that is holding us back from leading a full life – He will change  everything.

There is a story told about a visitor to the Vatican who was quite impressed with the beauty and power of the place. He asked Pope John XXIII this question: “How many people do you have working here?” With a twinkle in his eye, the pope replied, “About half of them.” Humour is one antidote for worry – it really can make you forget about your worries. 

A small farming village was threatened with drought because the rains had failed to arrive. On a hot and dry Sunday, the priest told his congregation, “There isn’t anything that will save us except to pray for rain. Go home, pray, believe, and come back next Sunday ready to thank God for sending rain.” The people returned to church the following Sunday. As they sat down the Pastor gently rebuked them. “We can’t worship today because you do not yet believe,” he said. “But we prayed” they protested, “and we do believe.” “Believe?” he responded. “Then where are your umbrellas?”

Fr Rory Writes

I have just noticed the beautiful flowers while sitting in the church saying my prayers.  All of a sudden it  came to my attention how lovely the flowers are, and then I remembered that I was told that they were all from our garden.  Thank you Lulu.  I have often noticed the flowers with St George’s Church, where over the years they have done a wonderful job on the flowers.   Unfortunately the sadness is that the church has to be locked because it is so isolated and as such a vulnerable place.

I went to sit in the church to reflect upon our situation in light of the government statements this evening on the current situation concerning the virus.  Our hopes of returning to normal life are as important as ever and coming to terms with the effect that lockdown had on us and also on me as parish priest has been severe.  The implications of visiting someone with such age and health issues is always on my mind.   Christmas time was particularly difficult, especially in the end when it was not possible to celebrate our Masses.  Please God, we can eventually put all this to rest.

Now we need to restore and please God, develop the life of our parish for our future.  We will have a parish finance meeting this Wednesday, just for an initial reflection and establishing priorities and preparing ourselves ready to be fit for purpose for our future.  We will be able to address this in the weeks to come.

Our celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation last Saturday was a big step in the right direction.  I was especially pleased because of the parents that joined their children to receive the sacrament.  It became noticeable years ago to me that most parents sent their children to confession, but did not give the example of doing so themselves.  Then it was equally clear that parents were beginning to want to have their  children baptised in order to get into our Catholic schools, but seldom or ever would go themselves to church.  As the years have rolled on the gap between our catholic schools and their parish gets wider, and catholic teachers have become extremely scarce.


CAFOD:  This year, the UK will host the ‘COP26’ climate talks in Glasgow in November.  Many of the world’s poorest countries are struggling to cope with the effects of climate change such as increased droughts, floods and cyclones.  We need world leaders to put the poorest people at the heart of their talks and the UK has a critical role to play as host.  Please sign our petition to the Prime Minister at cafod.org.uk/reclaim.  Groups from parishes across our diocese are also meeting their MPs locally, to let them know how strongly we feel as Catholics about protecting our earth and helping our sisters and brothers around the world. Further details can be found here:  Parliament in your Parish | CAFOD. Please consider holding a meeting with your MP too.

St Wilfrid’s & St George’s

We are organising a friendly lunch time meal with members of St Wilfrid’s and St George’s community.  Fr Rory will join us.  The venue is The Treacle Mine, midday Thursday 24th June.  If you are interested please contact Joan on 07873390944 asap please.

The last time we were able to meet together for a meal was St Patrick’s Day, 17th March 2020.  Lockdown happened very soon after.  It would be great if we could start back socialising with our friends in both parishes.  All the necessary precautions are in place of course.  Please God, we will be able to meet on that day.

Deacon John Writes

Have you ever had the thought that you don’t like your credit card? Does it make you think that you have more money than you actually do have? Does it make you feel powerful or reckless? Well if you do you will not be alone! I am sure that many have that feeling from time to time but the vast majority do not let the feeling last for more than a fleeting moment when common sense steps in, aided probably by the Holy Spirit and guides you into more appropriate avenues of action and thought. Moments like those are moments of darkness and light quickly shines through. Always remember that God said “Let light shine out of darkness”. We must let God’s light shine on everything we do, not what we do tomorrow, but on everything we do TODAY. Tomorrow will not do because as we all know – tomorrow never comes. Everything is today and it is today that really matters!  

We will do this if we remember that we are all part of the new covenant that we are called to be part of. This covenant calls us all into partnership with God. This partnership is one of love between God and ourselves. God loves each and every one of us with no conditions attached so we should all return this love today and every day. God is faithful in all and to all – so, if it is necessary, pull your socks up and get on with doing good to those around you. If you don’t wear socks then use your imagination and just do whatever is needed to go forward in a manner that is truly life-giving to yourself and to others.

Friday, June 11th, is the Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and is an opportunity to remind ourselves about our duty to make it obvious that we love one another, to refrain from quarrels and bitterness, stubbornness and being stuck in a rut. We do not, of course, have to go to Mass to do this – this is important, particularly in the current pandemic, when it is not easy to bring ourselves to attend Mass. The time is coming, quite soon, I hope, when it will be possible to freely attend Mass again without any fear, but until that time comes for you, and for me, let us not forget to help anyone in need, and remember that God loves us all – there really are no exceptions!

Fr Rory Writes

Last week I posed the question, “how did I end up the week before?”.  It was to begin again with the idea “how do we best work together?”.  Firstly, to have the sense that anytime we gather, we strengthen our bonds and our commitment to be a parish community.  We have a sense of what it is to be a good parish, but this must be very much updated and a return to the foundations as Jesus laid them out.  “You are my witness” and this is above all to the forgiveness of sin, and restoring a life of grace “by this shall all men know that you are my disciples, your love for one another”.

At this time one of the strongest affirmations of faith that I have received has been the celebration of funerals.  It brings home to my heart the central focus of our lives which is to be at home with God.  Thanks be to God that I have experienced some special moments, because over all we have been through a very difficult time.  I am most grateful for all the help and support that I have received.  It is as I listen to the concern and indeed echoes of distress that many are still experiencing; so it is most important that we are ready to resume our lives for the good of others to the best of our ability.

I acknowledge that this is helped most by having a good parish priest.  I always recognised that I have lacked some important characteristics to be a “good shepherd”, and sometimes I feel I am more cut out for a monastic type of life.  But key elements for all of us “is live and learn” and so with this foremost in our minds, let us look forward and be ready for the opportunities that will come our way.  We will have celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we will be getting prepared for the mass celebrated by the bereavement team.  

The parish community mass celebrations will be in July, with other various occasions when we will meet in different groups to catch up and to look forward together.  Please God, let us look forward to our future with hope and confidence.