Second collection on 27th October will be for Parish Advent Activities. This will help fund events such as the popular Family Advent Workshop. More details of this activity will be announced over the coming weeks. UK taxpayers can gift aid their donation so please collect the one off gift aid envelope at the back of church and bring it along to mass next week.
Category: Church Events
World Mission Sunday
Sunday 20th October – Today is World Mission Sunday
Today, parishes worldwide celebrate World Mission Sunday. By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, we stand united as God’s global family, in prayer, solidarity, and action. We are called to ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’ for the joy of Christ’s Resurrection is a gift meant to be shared with the entire world. Please pray for missionaries and give what you can to this vital collection, bringing God’s compassion, peace, and justice to those in need. To donate, use the Missio envelope, call 02078219755 (office hours) or visit to give a gift, set up a Direct Debit, and Gift Aid your donation if possible.
Flame Trip Application Form
Flame 2025:
St George and St Wilfrid’s Youth Leaders invite all Year 9 to Year 13 parishioners and their friends to attend Flame 2025 at Wembley Arena on Saturday 15th March. Tickets cost £29 plus travel tbc (fundraising pre-event is hoped to cover travel)
ACT NOW – ticket application deadline Tuesday 22nd October, forms containing more details and how to apply are being given out after mass this week or can be obtained by emailing the parish office. More information contact Sandra 07791 627368.
Flame is the biggest event for our Catholic youth in England and Wales, bringing together 10000 Catholic youth for a day of praise and worship like never experienced.
Renaissance Singers & Harmonics Family Singers:
Renaissance Singers and Harmonics Family Singers in Concert supporting Linking Lives Eastbourne. Free Entry with Refreshments on Sun 13 October at 3.00pm, St. John’s Church, Meads, Eastbourne. Donations gratefully accepted. Thank you
Prisoners’ Sunday – Sunday 13th October
Prisoners’ Sunday – 13th October. We will remember prisoners and their families at Mass this weekend. Prisons are in crisis and life for prisoners and their families in our communities is challenging. Pact, the national Catholic prison charity support prisoners, their families and their children, offering them hope and the chance to turn their lives around. There will be a second collection to support Pact’s important work. Please donate to this appeal at or visit Thank you
October is the month of the Holy Rosary
Meets every Monday at 2.30pm in St G’s Hall. Everyone is welcome to join as a regular or occasional member to Pray the Rosary a most wonderful devotion together. In the new order this presents opportunities to increase prayers, novenas and devotions
Parish Over 50’s Club
Please note the date for October is Thurs 24th not 31st. Theme is Halloween. Thurs 28th Nov. Theme Winter Wonderland. Thurs 19th Dec, our Christmas Party. Time 2-4pm, price £10 includes everything. If you would like to join us, you will be very welcome. Just come along and enjoy yourself. For more info. please contact Joan on 07873390944
Weekly Holy Hour for our New Parish
WEEKLY HOLY HOUR FOR OUR NEW PARISH Every Thurs from 10-11am , beginning 3 October, at Our Lady of Ransom, followed by Mass. Before the Blessed Sacrament, with times of quiet music, we will pray together each week asking the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we journey together to become a single New Parish. The hour will include a Rosary for Peace in our communities and the world. To join this time of prayer please go to: and click on the YouTube live stream icon. The Holy Hour is saved as a recording so you can participate at a later time of the day via the same link.
Fr Rory’s Birthday Celebrations & CAFOD Harvest Appeal:
A very big thank you to everyone who donated goods for the Harvest Festival Mass. Hailsham Foodbank were delighted to receive your much needed contributions.
Another thank you goes to the 32 walkers who accompanied Fr Rory on the sponsored walk. Upon arrival at St Wilfrid’s we were greeted by parishioners from both parishes and shared a lovely birthday tea with him. Big thanks go to all those who worked so hard to make this day a success. Fr Rory really enjoyed celebrating his 75th birthday with us. God bless him. All funds raised from the sale of fresh produce and the sponsored walk go towards CAFODS Harvest Appeal. Please return any outstanding sponsor money by October 13th. To date we have raised an amazing £1,250 but we hope to supplement this with the money raised for the Family Fast Day envelopes and St George’s charity breakfast on October 27th. Thank you again to everyone who has made a contribution – we are very proud of our generous community.