Saturday Mornings at St Wilfrid’s Church: Available for quiet prayer, so peaceful. The Monstrance is exposed on the altar, confessions are available. If you have not taken advantage of this special time, you should do so. Just pop in for a little visit, you will come out rested and refreshed, ready to tackle the rest of the day.
Category: Church Events
Second Collection at St George’s
Second collection today (3rd November) at St George’s will be for Parish Advent Activities. This will help fund events such as the popular Family Advent Workshop. More details of this activity will be announced over the coming weeks. UK taxpayers can gift aid their donation, so please collect and complete the one off gift aid envelope at the back of church to add to the second collection plate.
Table Sale – St George’s
We need quality items for our table sale, new and nearly new. This table sale raises significant amounts to our monthly charity and also to assist in Youth Activities throughout the year. Please leave bags marked table sale at the back of St George’s church. Thank you.
Milk Bottle Tops
We can no longer accept used milk bottle tops for recycling, as the Hospital no longer take them. Thank you.
Charity Breakfast at St George’s
Charity Breakfast at St George’s – after Mass. Sun 27th October. Bring your friends and family all are welcome. This month we are raising money for “CAFOD”.
Blessing of the Graves
Deacon John expects to bless the graves at St George’s Memorial Garden on the 1st November and Willingdon Cemetery on Saturday 2nd November at 11am, weather permitting.
Second Collection 27th October
Second collection today (27th October) at St Wilfrid’s will be for Parish Advent Activities. This will help fund events such as the popular Family Advent Workshop. More details of this activity will be announced over the coming weeks. UK taxpayers can gift aid their donation, so please collect and complete the one off gift aid envelope at the back of church to add to the second collection plate. If you wish to donate by card then please use the digital plate located in the porch. The second collection for Parish Advent Activities will take place at St George’s next week ( 3rd November).
Sun 27th Oct, World Mission Sunday
Thank you for your donations to the World Mission Sunday appeal. Your prayers and support will help missionaries work alongside communities worldwide, regardless of background or belief. Please continue to pray for all who share the love and hope of Christ with our sisters and brothers in need throughout the world. To support mission year-round, visit or call 020 7821 9755 (office hours).
Flame 2025
St George and St Wilfrid’s Youth Leaders invite all Year 9 up to 25 year old Catholics, open to all in the Deanery to attend Flame 2025 at Wembley Arena on Saturday 15th March. Tickets cost £29 plus travel tbc (fundraising pre-event is hoped to cover travel)
ACT NOW – ticket application deadline Tuesday 22nd October, forms containing more details and how to apply are being given out after mass this week or can be obtained by emailing the parish office. More information contact Sandra 07791 627368.
Flame is the biggest event for our Catholic youth in England and Wales, bringing together 10000 Catholic youth for a day of praise and worship like never experienced.
Healing Mass last Sunday
St Wilfrid’s and St George’s thank you Fr Rory for giving us a special spiritual and meaningful service for the sick. As always you make it very personal to each one of us, and we do benefit from your anointing us with the Holy Oils. So many of us went into our hall for tea and cake and a good get together, we needed extra tables!!