Lasts weeks afternoon tea and games; we usually have 24 attending, but due to the cold/flu virus we were down to 10! Such a shame as the theme was all things Scottish win a “wee dram”! Thurs 27th Feb is our next afternoon tea, 2-4pm. Theme will be “Wales and all things Welsh”, as it will be St David’s Feast Day a couple of days later, so plenty of daffodils and leeks on the table of prizes? We are all given a free raffle ticket when we pay and everyone gets a prize, plus extra prizes for the bingo and quiz. The afternoon is full of fun and laughter, home baked scones, sausage rolls, quiches and cakes. All welcome, you don’t have to be catholic to join in the fun. It is always the last Thursday of the month, 2-4pm, a £10 charge covers everything. Hope to see you there.
Category: Church Events
St Patrick Celebration at St Richard’s Catholic College
Sat 8th March. Tickets via Eventbrite from 10th Feb or the PTFA would like to offer pre-sale tickets to parents, families and friends of St Richard’s, contact Helen 07855 409022 or Rachel 07855 225419. See poster for more information.
St Wilfrid’s Church
Musicians and singers needed to help with providing music for the Family Mass in St Wilfrid’s Church once a month. All abilities and ages welcome. Please contact Gary O’Brien on 07707 513847 or email [email protected]
Thank you.
Lourdes Pilgrimage
Every year, the Arundel & Brighton Lourdes Pilgrimage takes more than 700 pilgrims from our parishes to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our group includes those who are sick, disabled, frail or elderly and need our help to make the journey. They are cared for during the Pilgrimage week by our volunteer helpers; together we live the Pilgrimage motto of ‘Love in Action’ as we serve each other and follow the call of Our Lady to serve her Son, Jesus Christ.
Community Charity Breakfast:
Thank you to everyone who supported the Linking Lives breakfast last weekend, £200 was raised and the charity is very grateful. Our next breakfast at St George’s is 23rd February after mass – this month our charity is Care International, a disaster emergency charity, we hope you, your family and friends can support this breakfast and vital Care Packages the charity brings to war torn communities worldwide. All are welcome.
Young Led Fundraiser for Flame 2025:
Youth led Fundraiser for Flame 2025: We are delighted that over 80 of our Catholic youth and their leaders from our Deanery will be attending FLAME
2025, the Catholic youth Congress in Wembley, during Lent. The £29 ticket price has been paid by the attendees, however they are looking to raise the money to fund the coaches to travel there, over £2000 needed.
Fundraising events include:
St George’s – Souper quiz night – Friday 28th Feb,
6pm doors open and quiz starts at 6.30pm. Soup and
sweet treats will be served between rounds. Tickets
£7 adults, under 14s £3 on sale after mass or available to reserve via parish office [email protected]
Team size max 8 and can be formed in advance or on the night.
Our Lady of Ransom Eastbourne Pancakes
and Bacon/sausage Bap breakfast – after 10.15am mass on Sunday March 2nd.
Christ the King – Bingo date and time TBC. Please support us if you can. Donations of raffle prizes are also welcomed (mark “youth fundraiser” and leave with welcomers to pass on). Thank you.
Altar Servers & Young Readers at St Wilfrid’s:
How very fortunate we are to have many good and sincere Altar Servers trained by David Hoad. We do appreciate you helping Fr Rory at Mass on a Sunday. Young Readers, we are very blessed with many who do the readings loud and clear, especially at the family mass on the last Sunday in the month. Thank you once again to Teresa and Annette for helping our children at the liturgy. They are stretched as they live full lives already. Please would some of you volunteer to lend them a hand occasionally if our children are to benefit from religious teaching to the standard they enjoy now. Many hands make light work!
Parish Over 50’s Club
Thurs 27th Feb is our next afternoon tea, 2-4pm. All welcome.
Appeal for Help:
Appeal for more help with preparing and running St Wilfrid’s & St George’s Social Occasions: Thank you to the few who answered the call, you are very welcome. Details of any social events will be given in our newsletter. Perhaps more volunteers will come forward when these are announced.
We will be reverting back to the old size print from 16th February 2025.