Arundel Cathedral – Feast of Corpus Christi, Thursday 19th June 2025

We hope to arrange for a parish pilgrimage to Arundel Cathedral by coach, using Lynns Travel, for this year’s Feast of Corpus Christi on Thursday 19th June – returning after the 5.30pm mass, procession and benediction.  The coach cost is expected to be £21 per person.  If you, your friends or family are interested in this please give your name, number of seats required, contact phone and email to Jean at St Wilfrid’s or Sandra at St George’s.  This is to initially find out if there is enough interest and we will return with exact details of the trip once we have them.

Resources for Lent and the Jubilee Year

To help with your Lenten preparations we have obtained copies of the booklet,  Walk With Me, A Journey of Prayer for Lent 2025. These are available in the porch, and we ask that you take one per family. There are also booklets and a Lent Calendar for every child. There isn’t a charge for these resources, but we suggest a donation of £1 for the adult copies of the Walk With Me booklets.

A free copy of The Jubilee Companion Booklet is also now available to assist you on your journey through this Holy Year. Please take one copy per family. To find out more about Jubilee Year,  please join us at our Reflection Gatherings and     discover more about what it means to be a true  ‘Pilgrim of Hope’.  We’ll be meeting at St Wilfrid’s Church on March 26th after the 10.00am mass for the first of four gatherings. This will be followed by a soup lunch to raise funds for CAFOD. Sign-up sheets are available at the back of the church. 

A most memorable lady

Sheila Bree died last week and she is a sad loss.  Each time I visited her I was really inspired by her positive spirit.  Thankful for the many blessings of her life and how God has blessed her so much.  She had visited so many places and achieved a lot of good things done, an example of that was her visits as a minister of the eucharist, and being able to offer company and support.  Yes it was a treat to take her Holy Communion, and her willingness to go.  She did not want to live to be 100, her time and patience   being tested; she was ready to go to meet the Lord.  I pray that some of her grace may rub off on me.

Pilgrims of Hope for CAFOD

To mark this Jubilee Years theme of ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ we invite you to join us for a day of prayer and walking on Saturday, March 29th.

The day will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunities for Confession at 10.00 am at St Wilfrid’s Church.   Following this we are taking on the Big Lent Walk for CAFOD!

As a group we will be walking to achieve 200km together. Starting at St Wilfrid’s our route will take us along the Cuckoo Trail to St George’s in time for a simple soup lunch. Following lunch we will be led by our youth in a Family Stations of the Cross service.

The route between our two churches is only 5km, so in order to achieve our collective goal of 200km we need 40 people to walk with us on the day. Please join us! For more information about sponsorship and how to join our walking team please follow this link:

Alternatively, you can collect a sponsor form from the back of church.

If you’re unable to join us, please keep us in your prayers, and if you are in a position to sponsor us, we will be very grateful. Follow the link to make your donation or add your name to the Team  Sponsor form at the back of church.

2025 Jubilee Year Reflection Gatherings with CAFOD

Are you wondering what the 2025 Jubilee Year is all about? Join us as we reflect on the meaning of the Jubilee Year and what it means to be a ‘Pilgrim of Hope’.  We’ll be meeting at St Wilfrid’s Church on March 26th after the 10.00am mass for the first of four gatherings. This will be followed by a simple soup lunch to raise funds for CAFOD. Sign up sheets to register interest are available at the back of church. 

2025 Jubilee Year Reflection Gatherings with CAFOD

Are you wondering what the 2025 Jubilee Year is all about? Join us as we reflect on the meaning of the Jubilee Year and what it means to be a ‘Pilgrim of Hope’.  We’ll be meeting at St Wilfrid’s Church on March 26th after the 10.00am mass for the first of four gatherings. This will be followed by a simple soup lunch to raise funds for CAFOD. Sign up sheets to register interest will be available at the back of church next week.

You can also join CAFOD’s ‘Make a Jubilee pledge’, to make a monthly donation to share hope with communities around the world in this Year of Jubilee and you’ll receive their weekly gospel reflections by email. These reflections include ways in which you and the wider CAFOD family can give, act and pray during this Holy Year.  Visit them on: