Bishop Robert Baron’s set 0f 10 DVD’s on Catholicism:

They are very informative and interesting to watch. At present they are being used by St. Wilfred’s after prayer group after the 10am mass on Mondays.

If anyone else is interested in coming together as a group to watch these in Polegate please contact Mary 07789464817. I will try to find a time and place that suits all.  


Do you or will you have a baby wishing to be baptised this year? We will be holding sessions twice a year. We are looking at the next one to commence in May/June with another later in the year- These will be 3 x one hour meetings after mass at St Wilfrid’s.  Please contact Mary on 07789464817 or Angela on 07582 267546 for further details. 

CAFOD Family Fast Day – Friday March 14th

 By praying, eating simply and giving to CAFOD we will be helping to support CAFOD in their vital work helping local experts to provide simple, effective solutions to the toughest problems facing many of the poorest peoples around the world.  This year’s focus is on helping to train communities in creating drought resistant vegetable gardens in East Africa following the devastating effects of drought.  Envelopes are available at the back of church. Please return them with your donations on March 16th. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please sign the back of your donation envelope. The government will add an additional 25%. Thank you.

Flame 2025

Please pray for the 87 youth and leaders from our deanery on their Pilgrimage of Hope to Flame 2025 Catholic Youth Congress on Saturday, March 15th.

A heartfelt thanks for your generous support—£610 raised at St. George’s quiz and £340 at the OLR breakfast. We hope to raise more with a future event at CTK.  Donations are welcome via envelopes marked “Flame Fundraiser” in the collection. Any surplus will support future youth pilgrimages.

Parish Pilgrimage to Arundel Cathedral – Corpus Christi, June 19th 2025

We plan to arrange a coach trip with Lynns Travel for the Feast of Corpus Christi, returning after the 5:30 pm Mass, procession, and benediction. Estimated cost: £21 per person.

Interested? Provide your name, number of seats, and contact  details to Jean (St. Wilfrid’s) or Sandra (St. George’s). Final details to follow based on interest departure expected approx 11am return 8pm.