Easter Sunday after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Hall, we shall have our “surprise bag sale”, choose a bag for £2 (£1 for children) prize every time. This year we have more bags to fill. If you have any bags to contribute, please put them in the box in the porch, empty or full. Thank you. The proceeds will go towards items for children’s liturgy.
Category: Church Events
St Wilfrid’s
It was lovely to see our Altar Servers receive their certificates last Sunday having witnessed them receiving Bronze and 1 Silver Medal for 10 years of altar serving. How blessed we are in having so many good servers on a Sunday, trained under the watchful eye of David Hoad. Also so many children going into the hall for their special service and activities, lets pray that they continue to practice their faith. Also children attending the lessons in preparation for their First Holy communion. Thank you to the ladies teaching them, they do a good job for us.
Race Night
Parish Quiz Night Fri April 12th 7pm – Tickets now on sale. Get your teams ready for the second of our bi-annual quiz nights this time held at St Georges Hall. Teams of 6 with children under 12 not included in team numbers.
Scripture Reading for Lent
Thus says the Lord: ‘is not this the sort of fast that pleases me – it is the Lord who speaks – to break unjust fetters and undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke, to share your bread with the hungry, to shelter the homeless poor, to clothe those you see to be naked and not turn from your own kin. Then will your light shine like the dawn and your wound be quickly healed over. Your integrity will go before you and the glory of the Lord behind you. Cry, and the Lord will answer; call and he will say. ‘I am here.’’ [Isaiah 58:6-9]
Fr Rory Writes
“Though He was in the form of God, Jesus did not cling to that equality,
but emptied Himself to become as we are.”
He did this for a great purpose. To bring to us the salvation of God. He became as we are, the best way to say it to “share our journey”. At the heart of that journey was the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, hence we have this important season of Lent. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, “so the son of man would be lifted high upon the cross”.
So prayer is at the heart of our response. The best preparation I had when I was going into the seminary; a six year sentence, was the conviction established in the early years of my life. Pray and pray constantly and never lose heart. Aspirations are the key building blocks. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Jesus, Mary and Joseph, are Jesus mercy, Mary help me, no cross no crown. These are the trails through which we triumph, by the power of Him who loves us.
The Joy of Music
Parish Over 50’s Club
Our next afternoon tea will be Thursday 28th March at 2pm. Theme is Easter, Easter bonnets may be worn!
Hailsham Foodbank
Hailsham Foodbank currently have two vacancies, Deputy Manager and Communications Officer. More information on these can be found in St Wilfrid’s Church Porch.
St Wilfrid’s Church
It has been brought to our attention, that more people would come into the hall after Mass for tea/coffee etc. and get to know their fellow parishioners if there were more empty chairs. Well we have now sorted this, so please make the effort to join us after Mass on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Hall, we shall have our “surprise bag sale”, choose a bag for £2 (£1 for children) prize every time. This was so popular last year, we sold out within half an hour. This year we have more bags to fill. If you have any bags to contribute, please put them in the box in the porch, empty or full. Thank you. The proceeds will go towards items for children’s liturgy.