Our next afternoon tea will be Thurs 30th May at 2-4pm. Theme is flowers. The date for June will be Thur 20th and then nothing in July, back again in August.
Category: Church Events
New Parish
Soon to become a new parish – What’s Next? A talk by Fr Kevin at Our Lady of Ransom, Thurs 18th July at 7pm. Exploring the plans for the coming months on becoming a new Mega (moderated) Parish, from Eastbourne to Rye! What part will you play in this? Refreshments available. All are welcome.
Thank You
A very big thank you from Gillian Standen for all the good wishes and prayers given to her.
Deanery Confirmation
Any musicians and singers are invited to join the celebration at OLR on the morning of Sat 15th June. If you would like to be involved you must be able to attend the rehearsal at 4pm on Sat 1st June at OLR – please contact Marylou on [email protected] to confirm your place and voice/instrument.
Newsletter Articles
Any new articles for the newsletter on 9th June, please could we have in by 3rd June, and for the newsletter on 16th June, please could we have in by 5th June. Thank you.
Golden Jubilee Celebration
Father Rory’s Golden Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 14th July: All Parishioners will receive an invite to Father Rory’s Jubilee celebration at mass today. Please ensure you RSVP via the sheets at the back of church to help us with planning and catering arrangements. If you can help with the days events please let us know, we especially need some physical help with set up and clear up as this will be heavier work. Contact Sandra on 07791627368 for more information.
Lynne Phair’s September Bike Ride
Please support Lynne Phair’s September Bike Ride from Eastbourne to Amsterdam in Aid of St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Lynne will be selling raffle tickets after Mass in St G’s Hall on Sun 17 March & Sun 7 April. The prizes are: 1st prize Electric Bike, 2nd prize Food Hamper, 3rd prize A Wine Hamper. Tickets will be £2 each. Or donate to www.justgiving.com/page/lynne-phair-1690041574167 Thank you.
A Belated Thank You
A belated thank you to all those who contributed provisions for the recent Lenten lunch. This allowed us to give 100% of donations to CAFOD. Thank you all so much for your generosity, kindness, your time spent cooking, and your culinary skills.
2nd Collection
Please note this Sundays 2nd Collection will be for the upkeep of our church which like everything is going up in price, so please be generous. Thank you.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Hall, we shall have our “surprise bag sale”, choose a bag for £2 (£1 for children) prize every time. This year we have more bags to fill. If you have any bags to contribute, please put them in the box in the porch, empty or full. Thank you. The proceeds will go towards items for children’s liturgy.