Fr Rory Writes

“A saviour is born unto us, He is Christ Jesus our Lord”

As the psalm expresses;  “Though we walk through a valley of darkness, no evil should I fear.  You are there with your crook, your staff, with these you give me comfort”.  And we need that comfort.  We were fortunate in our seminary as I left full of hope that a new life of faith was possible.  My first introduction to parish life and the deanery meetings revealed how much of a challenge that was in store.  Yes, I could see signs that the writing was on the wall.  A sharp fall off in the numbers entering the seminary continued to take place.  A need to ask questions and to address the situation was required.

The focus of our celebration at Christmas is because our saviour Jesus has come into our world.  This brings light to our world, and we have been constantly blessed by the work that the children’s liturgy provides.  This work is            displayed in our windows and will hopefully find a good home on our website to provide the background to growth and development of the good news that they continue to present.  The parish carol service was a joyful experience, a  quality occasion.  The choir was remarkable and we were blessed by the quality of their performance.  The readings were very well presented by our younger generation and made for a memorable and special experience.  The hospitality in the hall is a continuing reflection of the efforts that are being made for us to grow together as communities.

Next year St George’s Church will be providing the hospitality for this event.  They will also facilitate our parish sponsored walk which has become very enjoyable and raises funds for good causes.  We hope to continue to support foodbank and the service that they provide, which is so important to many.  As we celebrate Christmas the essential is the news that has come into our world, and with the help of God it will bless our world and bless your Christmas, your home and your families this Christmas. 

I continue with my favourite focus; grace and peace, and please God, you may all have a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.

Fr Rory Writes

“The Second Candle – The Candle of Peace”

Reader 1:  Light and peace, in Jesus Christ our Lord

All:  Thanks be to God

When I left our seminary the flame of hope was alive.  That hope has now became greatly tested.  In my heart I could then see the writing was on the wall for seminaries in Ireland.  My hope was established in team ministry.  In fact I was part of a team ministry at St Paul’s, Haywards Heath for a while.   We were well underway, focused upon Leaven Groups as part of each mass community and with the R.C.I.A. as an important guiding light to our liturgical year.  Then renew came and upset the apple cart.  As responsible priests we did our best.  We all gathered at the Brighton and Hove Godstone Football Grounds with Cormac our Bishop, for our diocesan celebration at the launch of Renew where we received an oak seed. We planted the oak sapling outside our church at St Paul’s, and it can now be seen as a thriving oak tree.  The secret is that the seed must be planted in order to grow.

Today our children’s liturgy remains on my radar as our greatest source of hope.  Sadly, especially in Ireland there are not many examples.  Once when in Dublin with my sister Mary and PJ, we went for the baptism of their grandchild. Their parish had a children’s liturgy, when I congratulated them as brave people, their response was in complete agreement.  Hope must go on.

Fr Rory Writes

This new year of Our Lord is now underway as we light the first candle “The Candle of Hope”.  We can accompany it with the thought “hope springs eternally”.  It’s on the foundations that we build; the value of life and the hope we have is dependant on the material that we build on.  A report which I read on the Synod has restored some real confidence in my heart ….. The Synod is a call for Catholics to become a new kind of church; a communion of baptised people walking together.

This has been at the heart of our work since we began to focus on our parish council.  So it is very appropriate following on the focus that Bob Waters has given us, that we put our best efforts into building up the ministries that will serve in the life of our church.  As we light the first candle, we begin with establishing the ministry of hospitality, as we will go on to grow a team of welcomers with again Bob’s experience as a Knight of St Columba, will be of benefit to help with its structure and service. 

Fr Rory Writes

We celebrate the Great Feast of Christ the King, which celebrates the end of our churches year, with the assurance that Christ will come again in great glory. 

The introduction to my sister Mary’s book “Love Speaks”:  Love Speaks is a timely book, appearing at a time when all God’s people are asked to embark on a spiritual journey marked by two important elements:  listening and sharing.  This journey is the synodal path that Pope Francis has proposed for our times so that the Church can listen profoundly to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.  Please God, we will make this journey together in the coming years.

Fr Rory Writes

When God’s Glory is revealed our joy will be full.

It is the Glory of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As we celebrate this Great Feast, we will have a celebration of baptisms at St George’s Church.  This is very appropriate for them, as it bears fruit from their children’s liturgy.  A corresponding amount of work has provided us with our parish council.  Embedded in its foundation are the goals that are established to develop our ministries, our liturgies, our maintenance, and fundraising and social activities.

Early memories of this Feast Day in my time in the diocese was “Youth Gather”.  Memories of the weather favourable for a youth ramble and social activities, and made for a very successful event.  Memories of meeting people, and plans for the future.

It now leaves me on the eve of my Golden Jubilee as a priest.  Tempus Fugit.  So please God, as the new year unfolds we will lay out our plans for the future, focused upon the lighting of our advent candles, as expression of our plan for developing ministries.  So please God, our new year will present opportunities and challenges just as new formed plants do.

Fr Rory Writes

Remembrance Sunday – Yes we will remember them.

Help, I need help.  It is a constant need.  In the wider wilder story of life it is easy to acknowledge.  A good example for me is when coming to England, my first introduction to Remembrance Sunday.   The Sunday liturgy was well prepared for this event.  The question always remains, “how to do what is best”.  A body made up of many parts working together is most helpful, since I have come here Deacon John has always been a big help.

A parish community working together is a most important criteria.  The Synod as it takes place has a great importance.  How we address the future life of our church is critical.  Our present situation, with the dire shortage of priests in our diocese, brings to my mind what is most critical.  The failure of our response to the 2nd Vatican Council.  As part of our seminary training, we were greatly inspired by the council.  It remains a source of great inspiration.  The Holy Spirit at work in the laity.

This week we had a very welcome visitor from our diocese, her name is Cathy Bergin.  She looks forward to helping us, as we had a very fruitful meeting with her and members of the parish council and children’s liturgy.  Soon we will be beginning a new year with the lighting of the first Advent Candle – the candle of hope.  I have real hope that the first shoots of our work are beginning to emerge and with God’s help will develop and grow.

Fr Rory Writes

Back on the horizon again

“The Great Feast of Christ the King”

One day this will be the Greatest Feast of All.  When Christ will come in His glory; and all will be raised to life in the  Glory of God’s Kingdom.  This is the true inspiration that Christ left with His disciples – the promise I will be with you always, and after I am gone I will send the Holy Spirit which the early disciples experienced at Pentecost.  This is at the heart of our lives of faith; and please God, with the help of the parish council; the renewal of different ministries, and the inspiration of our children’s liturgy groups, and young people, a need for a new generation is so important to all.  So really, really important is there notice last week.

Preparing for Advent Family Workshop: Saturday, Nov 18th, 3.30pm – 6.00pm, St Wilfrid’s Hall. Following the success of last years event we are going to hold another Parish Advent Workshop and look forward to seeing many of our  families there. This is an opportunity for families to come together and have fun, be creative and prepare for Advent. There will be variety of Christmas related activities, relevant to all ages, followed by a short time of worship and a shared meal.  Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult. To book your place please complete the form available at the back of church and collect a tear off slip for your small contribution to bring to the shared meal.

Fr Rory Writes

“Next time we meet, see you in heaven”

What a beautiful note coming from the mouth of Ruth Ayres to her friend Judy Davies, as her farewell greeting just before she flies out to her new life with her daughter in America.  When the spirit is willing then age can only be a number even if the health is not good.  Next Sunday it will be the turn of St George’s church to give thanks for all our treasured memories of those who contributed so much to the life of this church over the years.  We will have special prayers and blessing in the garden after the Mass.

Solid steps are being taken to develop our lives of faith and ministry here together in our parish.  In the wider context in our diocese much of the focus remains on what priests are available to the parish.  Our efforts over the years to be a body made up of many parts working together will be truly tested.   Our new parish council, with all the work that is taking place by our children’s liturgy group with the hope that it will serve all our young members better.  Yes a new     generation is required.

Fr Rory Writes

“Our Homeland is in Heaven”

St Paul to the Philippians 3:20-21

Last Sunday we had a special celebration here at St Wilfrid’s in remembrance of all our treasured memories, the souls of our departed who contributed so much to our parish.  Now they leave us with important challenges to continue to develop and to grow in our lives of faith.  Like each parish we have particular riches of memories to be treasured from the many who had contributed to our parish community.

On Sunday 5th November it will be the turn of St George’s.   They have also lost some very special people recently and please God, we will do justice to the occasion with a commemoration that reflects their achievements and        underpins our work to build upon this, so that our church has a definite future.

As we commence this years preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation, this needs to reflect upon the sure foundations of our faith.   After the resurrection, Jesus gave a mandate to His disciples to go out to proclaim good news; Gods salvation.  In our time at the seminary we received two most important emphasises.  Life is a journey, it has a beginning and an end, whether we like it or not.  The second is story telling.  To tell our story, but above all to listen to God’s story as He intervened through the ages.  The old Testament prepared us for this when Jesus highlighted special moments on that journey.  He referred to “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up ” John 3:14-16.  Prefiguring when Christ would be raised up upon the cross and all who would call upon Him would receive Gods salvation beginning with the forgiveness of sin.

Fr Rory Writes

I received a star quality letter that I believe is right to share

Dear Fr Rory

Thank you for inviting us to the Bereavement Mass on Sunday 15th at St Wilfrid’s.  Unfortunately we shall still be away on that date, so regretfully cannot be present.

The children’s liturgists are doing sterling work with our young people, but the lack of adult formation courses has   resulted in a lack of knowledge in our grown up population, an area for our Bishop to address.

And yes, an area for me to address with the parish council who have taken this onboard.  In fact they had brilliantly     attended to this at their first parish council, which I could not attend because I was in Ireland.

I have full confidence and gratefully thankful to them.  They have established a response to our  journey; building up all the ministries, that will establish a body made up of many parts working  together.  Beginning with welcomers and referring to the fact that the Knights of St Columba had years of experience.  Turning to the readers and drawing our attention to the legion of Mary who gave active witness to the implications of this ministry.  The St Vincent de Paul could bring a depth of riches to how this ministry of the eucharist could be effected.  The children’s liturgy gives us a great example of the progress that can be made.  I continually return my attention to lighting the first advent candle, the candle of hope.  Please God, these ministries will revive my drooping spirits unlike all the deanery meetings that I attend.