Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Thanks be to God:  I have been given the green light to return to ministry, and for this I am very grateful to God.   Bishop Richard and with him the Diocesan Care Team have given me incredibly good support, and I have been blessed.

My experience has caused me a great amount of painful soul searching time, especially three weeks on the Island of Alderney.  The Lord is compassion and love; but that means we share in His passion.  I had a lot of time to review my faults and my failures, and when you come to that moment in the Gospel when the beam in your eyes needs to be removed, before you can attempt to do anything different,  I was indeed drained and strained.   Then from the Lord came very clearly the message that with the Lord there is mercy and fulness of redemption.  So I seek that mercy and I ask those who have their misgivings for a season of grace.  For those who have been so happy to see me back has been such a help.

When I and others were in the Seminary quite a while ago, we had a time of great hope and expectation.  The 2nd Vatican Council had taken place; a promise of new life and spirit in our church with much involvement by lay people.  I truly believe Bishop Richard’s challenge of what the church will be in 2030 is most important.  Now with the shortage of priests this challenge has to be faced, and with the help of God, though different; the life in both our churches will be strong.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes: 

Greetings from the Island of Alderney where I have been filling in for a friend of mine.  It has a Franciscan Convent of four Sisters and a hermit, so it has been a very good spiritual experience.  I am truly grateful when I hear all the events in the parish are continuing so well.  “A body made up of many parts”, working together is key to the future of any parish with the number of Priests in such decline.

Looking forward to meeting you all, and ever so grateful for all the concern and support.

Canon Michael has now returned and it is a real tonic, we are having a good time catching up on so many years of friendship.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Just a lovely night.  There is something very special about the Easter Vigil.  Admittedly it is focused upon the gift of belief Jesus Christ has entered into our human experience.  He has shared our lives, especially our sufferings and afflictions.  But the mystery remains.

With the beautiful singing of the Exultet, and other voices raised in psalm and song, this Holy Night was truly a night full of joy.  So often life brings you down to earth again with a bang, and then you are left with options and choices.  Do you deal with them in a manner that reflects Christ and His example to us?

Looking back at my piece last year, I think it is worthwhile to repeat “good trees bear good fruit”.  High moments and Holy moments are quite rare.  It is in living our daily lives in a way that brings help and hope to others that is most important.