Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Racial Justice Sunday 2020

This weekend Sunday 9th February 2020 the Catholic Church in England and Wales will celebrate Racial Justice – the theme is: “You are at the heart of the Church”.  It will celebrate the contribution travelling communities make to the church in England and Wales.  It is an opportunity for all Catholics to pray for, reflect on and respond to racial justice matters within the church and wider society.  Racial Justice Sunday should encourage proactive discussions on overt and covert forms of racism experienced by fellow Catholics from the travelling communities.  To support the church in its work with travellers, a second collection will be taken this weekend.  Your contributions, however great or small will help to make a difference.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

With the new year well on its way; we are very aware of our members of what I call the “A Team”, or “Ace Team”, which I inherited, that we have lost through bereavement.  We were blessed by them, and eternal rest and reward grant unto them, O’Lord.

Thanks be to God, we are finding new people to help.  The Parish Finance Committee had its first meeting, and it was a great help to me.  Please God, there is light at the end of the tunnel, with the hope that my driving license will return and this will be a great help also.  It will take some more time, so I remain very grateful for all the offers of transport.

Of great importance are our Children’s Liturgies and I am very grateful to those who give their time and effort.  The Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Group at St Wilfrid’s has got off to a very good start.  There is a large group this year; and with the lead that we have received by St George’s with their many different activities through the year, hopefully developing a stronger sense of community.

All ready attention has to be given to the great seasons of Lent, Easter and Pentecost, particularly to have music in place for these events.  We have had a request here at St Wilfrid’s to host the special ecumenical service which is a very important new initiative.  Recently ecumenical events had declined, which is a pity.  Also, this coming Friday we have our Special Devotions Mass and Healing Service at St George’s Church.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

This week we have important messages from two Bishop’s.  The first one being the Pastoral Message (copies can be found in the church porch, for you to take away and read). 

Secondly, the Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), 27th January 2020.  This year’s HMD has a particular significance for two reasons.  One is the fact that this year we mark the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  The other is, of course, the increase in the incidents of antisemitism.  The reasons Vatican II gives for condemning antisemitism are specifically theological (CF Nostra Aetate, 4) and feel that is our particular contribution to the whole issue.

Fr Rory Writes

It’s me, it’s me, it’s me, O Lord, standin’ in the need of pray’r.

Not my brother or my sister, but it’s me, O Lord.  Standin’ in the need of prayer.  Not my brother or my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, standin’ in the need of pray’r.

This time last year I suffered an Acute Psychotic Episode, and with the help of the hospital and all others involved, I made a very good recovery, thank God.  This recovery is well established and I am feeling very well about that.  Unfortunately it also gave me a problem that at this time I do not have my driving license, but am engaged in the process of getting it back as quickly as possible.  In the meantime, I rely upon your prayers and support.  I am very grateful to all who have provided transport for me and I continue to need your prayers.

A Prayer for Peace

Draw near us Lord, source of all peace and wisdom,  Let your rays of peace circle the globe,Lighting all paths in their wake.  Let the power of your peace radiate through the darkness Illuminating the minds and hearts of your faithful.  May your Peace inspire acts of unconditional love, Unfettering the chain of selfishness, greed and pain.  Release the dove of peace into all homes, Inspiring love, joy and serenity, This we pray through Christ Our Lord. Amen

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

This time last year we received from Bishop Richard a leaflet titled “The Word Who is Life”.  This was given to be our focus for preparation for life in our diocese in 2030.

Many parishes have been very effected by the structures for ministry because of the reduced number of masses and priests, with the expectation of more to come.  We have not experienced this as something that has come about because of the situation in the diocese, but because of the state of my health during the past year.  Please God, my health is on the mend, and hopefully with the return of my driving license we may have new opportunities. 

A big and sincere thank you to the persons who help with our Children’s Liturgy.   They deserve all the support that we can give them.  We have lost some great people who contributed so much, and so they are a great loss to us.  With God’s help; through our prayer and  commitment, we will receive God’s grace to be active witnesses to what God’s help can do in our weaknesses.  May almighty God turn all things to good, may we be willing to forgive, to love and support one another.  May God bless you all through this year of Our Devine Lord 2020.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

White Flower Appeal 2020

White Flower Appeal 2020 – the Society for the Protection of Unborn children (SPUC) will be holding its  annual appeal on the weekend of 11th/12th January.

On 21st October 2019 the most extreme abortion regime in Europe was imposed on the people of Northern Ireland by the government at Westminster.  Abortion will now be permitted for any reason up until at least 24 weeks, and even beyond that.  The abortion lobby now want to introduce this in England and Wales.

Please be as generous as you can to help SPUC defend unborn babies and their mothers from this new attack.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

It is Gaudete Sunday.  Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoice.  When our focus settles upon Our Lord Jesus then it is possible, but very difficult to keep this focus upon Jesus.  The difficulties and tragedies of life that take place affect our confidence and our trust.

It is very important to place our trust in God first and foremost, and then to discern God’s goodness in spite of the circumstances of life. Since last year when I was writing this, it certainly has been a challenge to me; and remains one.  Among the challenges has been not having any drivers licence and all this entails.  I could say it has helped in my carbon footprint, and helped me to use my time more constructively.  Also, to have a grateful heart for all those who have offered to help me.  So please God, it will be productive.

I am grateful for this trip to Ireland, and when I return I am hopeful of starting the process that will restore my license.  Please keep me and our parish in your prayers during this Holy time with Christmas approaching so quickly.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Las Posadas at St George’s Hall last Sunday; what a treat.  It was a very special event last Sunday afternoon, especially the rosary.  It was just beautiful and meaningful, a real moment of great grace, that brings together 2000 years of Catholic Christian Faith.  It was great that Paul and Ann Sullivan turned up, coming all the way by bus.  Also the food was excellent, numbers……. well for people, another lost opportunity.  A great big thank you to those who prepared for and presented the event.  Also, thank you to those who helped clear up the cabin at St Wilfrid’s.

Year I, The Journey to 2030 – Year of the Cockerel, which Bishop Richard highlighted in his Advent message.  Please find in the church porch a magazine titled “The Journey 2030 – Year of the Cockerel”.  Please feel free to take one per family, or for a digital copy go to

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Having celebrated the Feast of Christ the King and Youth Sunday on a high note:  When God’s glory is revealed then our joy will be full.  So we continue our journey in this new year, conscious of the fact that we are called to be a body made up of many parts, working together to be the body of Christ in our world.

The celebration of Las Posadas with the young persons liturgy group this Sunday at 3pm, is a very good beginning.  Next Friday is the First Friday with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confessions, Benediction, Mass and Sacrament of Healing at 10am. The Children’s Liturgy at St Wilfrid’s will provide an excellent opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for all, on Saturday 7th December at 5pm at St Wilfrid’s Church.  A nice way to start the Christmas period by thinking about Jesus.  In the darkness of Advent during this winter month, we wait for your light, to heal the broken parts and shine on us. Let us prepare the way of the Lord by recognizing our sins and seeking forgiveness.