Fr Rory Writes:
The Feast of Christ the King
We look forward to His return in glory, when He will overcome the Kingdom of darkness and the dominion of evil. We await a time of grace and peace.
The celebration last Sunday for the Link was very successful with a very good turn out from the town. Please God, it will continue to be a witness for the Churches Together for sometime to come. A big thank you to Ron and Kay and all the helpers for all the valuable work they have done over the years.
We are very blessed with our parish halls. There was a very successful event on Thursday for the Wealden Dementia Action Alliance, Hailsham Community Café. This will take place every second Thursday of the month, 2pm to 4pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. The hall at St George’s is very well used, and a very big thank you to Shirley and the team that helps. It will host the election, and please, please God, it will have a positive outcome. We must really pray for this.