Fr Rory Writes

The Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.

Jesus you came down from heaven to carry out the will of the Father which was, “that none should be lost”.  You have shared in our human experience and you know of our afflictions.  Our journey through life is described in the Psalm 22 “Though I walk through the valley of darkness no evil would I fear.  For you are there with your crook and your staff, with these you give us comfort”. During these times we have dramatically experienced through the coronavirus the domain of darkness.  Because of modern communication we are particularly aware of death as it is experienced by those who have died from the virus and so it rightly established fear.

This fear should generate within us the beginning of wisdom. So our adherence to good directions given to us is truly important. The fruits of wisdom presents us with the challenge of living through your grace, love and care for us in keeping with the dignity, gifts and challenges of life.  With our children returning to school and the necessities of life that help us to embrace life in its fulness, we rely upon your presence with us.  As we make the way of the Cross the mystery of suffering remains with us, but we ask you to give us the strength to carry our crosses, to surrender our lives to you, and to live our lives as fully as possible.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father.

The Nineth Station:  Jesus falls for the Third Time.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.

Does it ever let up?  So often in life when it rains it pours.  For one, the media are an embodiment of this.  Up until the pandemic I was an enthusiast for Newsnight etc, though waning.  After the first few weeks in isolation, it had gone off my agenda as indeed much of the media, a great thanks be to God for “Spring Watch”.

The journey of Jesus to Calvary with its moments on the way; Simon of Cyrene, His Mother Mary, Veronica, the Women of Jerusalem, ultimately the Roman Soldiers, His falls along the way to the Cross and the Nails ……. a litany beyond measure.  As I look back on my journey of life with its many falls, I still try to speak of silver linings.  Does it ever let up?, I truly hope so.  I mentioned in the beginning, almost as a child recalling my dad doing the Stations of the Cross and the hours upon hours of pain that he suffered in his life.  So I hope it imbues us with the spirit “those are the trials through which we triumph, by the power of His spirit living within us”, and at this time part of my prayer goes out to the Queen and the Royal Family.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father.

Fr Rory Writes

The Fifth Station:  Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross”.

So often I say two things:  The consolation that this station brings to Jesus, the help that is given to Him is also a great consolation for us.  On the way of the cross at the Second Station where I pondered that I knew “I should do better”, giving way to the forgiveness that Jesus brings.  Now the realisation “we can all do better”.  After the lockdown when we will return to “the life of the church”, then we will genuinely seek to do better.  This involves us believing and sharing together in a life of faith with the fruits of this in our experiencing what was the outcome for the early Christian community – “see how they love one another”.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father

The Sixth Station:  Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

Last week Deacon John presented us with the dramatic story presented on the internet by Dr Peggy Hartshom, about a women who glimpsed the mystery of her unborn child.  Circumstances had brought about this dramatic encounter.  She was amazed to see the perfectly formed boy, the tiny legs and arms moving in her womb.  All of a sudden, Dr Hartshom’s assistant said, “reach out and take your baby’s hand”.  The women raised her hand and touched the monitor.  As if by some divine cue, the baby stretched out his arm to the exact place on his mom’s hand.  On the screen his tiny fingers met hers.  The women underwent a transformation and kept her baby.  Surely we recognise that there is a mystery inside each one of us – the mystery of the image of God.  We see this in a very special way when His sacred face was revealed to her “Veronica wipes the face of Jesus”.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father

The Seventh Station:  Jesus falls a Second Time.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.

Back down to earth with a bang.  The seventh station often has this reference to our lives.  Following moments of grace is a reality in life that very often we are again confronted with the ordinary, the normal, the difficulties of life.  On the horizon now is the most special season of Holy Week.  Please God, this is coinsiding with our thoughts of returning to church.  This has been helped by the roll out of vaccines, and while very much to be welcomed alongside the return of our children to school, this highlights the circumstances that we are living under and that there may be a spike in the number of people catching it.  So again; Firstly, it is good to be back, and welcome.  So as parish priest that is to all our parishioners.  Secondly, the great necessity to adhere to the guidelines for the safeguarding of our services.  So it will be essential for all to apply through the Parish Office to book a place at Masses during Holy Week.   We may have to have a draw for places, because stewarding is an essential requirement and I am responsible for this.  Just as Jesus, because he is human, again falls under the weight of the cross.  So the weight of the cross has been heavy in our journey. 

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father

Fr Rory Writes


The Second Station:  Jesus receives the Cross.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”. The agony of Jesus in the garden is a very important focus for our attention.  Christ’s agony, the Stations of the Cross and the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary provide a constant opportunity for us to contemplate Christ’s presence in the world, and above all the salvation He brings.

Last week in ‘Deacon John Writes’ he had a very important, clear message.  In it he said “Lent began last Wednesday, and we were reminded that there is no better time than the present to turn to God for forgiveness and to forgive others”.  My moments in the garden are frequently focused upon my awareness that I should do better.   It becomes a constant refrain in my mind “you should do better”.  Then because Satan the devil is the accused of the brethren, and as St Peter highlighted, he sits on our shoulder and accosts us night and day.  In fact, never lets up.  Jesus has put a stop to this by becoming the instrument of God’s forgiveness.  This is the mission of His life – and for this He lays down His life.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father.

The Third Station: Jesus falls the first time.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.

He became like us in all things but sin.  He knows our weaknesses.  The implication of His forgiveness is that it is final, complete.  It is His gift that He will never take back.  As he completely forgives He has forgiven me, it is essential that I too forgive myself.  Through God’s grace, if only I can take hold of this, it becomes a real gift.  If we take hold of this, the peace, then the strength and hope that it will bring to our life begins to bear fruit – fruit that will last.  The implication for the good of our world is that, as He forgives me, so I forgive others.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father.

The Fourth Station: Jesus meets His mother.  “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.

The family home is so important in the journey of life, and yet more and more it is becoming absent to our world.  This is why in our Catholic church the role of Mary has such an important place.  As we realise this, then we become aware of the life of orphans who for no fault of their own have this great affliction to contend with.  And so the promise “I will not leave you orphans as so many now are”.  This should become a major part of our prayers and Lenten preparation for the most important week – The one we call Holy Week, so that the life of Christ may truly find a home in us.

One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to the Father.

Fr Rory Writes, Continued:

We begin each Station of the Cross with the prayer “We adore thee  O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World”.  The Stations of the Cross can be a very important devotional prayer in our lives, but especially during Lent.  Our human story, the journey of life.  A memory in my life is from the beginning of Lent in my first year at the seminary.   The president decided that he would give us a good introduction to Lent by leading us on the Stations of the Cross.  He began by giving us a lecture on their great importance, and that as seminarians this devotion should be at the centre of our lives.  Then he began “oops” he went to the last station first, the 14th …… of course there must be someone to blame…… ok yes the acolytes.

So for us to begin.  The first station “We adore thee O Christ and we praise thee, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world”.  Jesus is condemned to death.  This is part of a great reality.  We are all condemned to death.  A reality.  Here at St Wilfrid’s we had a great shock with the tragic sudden death of Hannah Hoad, a young parishioner.  It is honest and sincere she was “a real treasure”, obviously for her family and especially her parents David and Anne.  In spite of her handicaps she was a bundle of life with attitude, able to stand up for herself, full of life, mischief and fun.  Some of our elderly parishioners had lovely things to say about her over the years.

Then at St George’s Church we had a very special funeral celebration for Ronald and Monica Williams who died together in Eastbourne Hospital from the coronavirus.  Their son Ed gave us a heartfelt story of their life, and as we streamed the service we will place their story on our website.  Summed up in the words of their son “Ron and Moni were inseparable for 60 years, they devoted their lives to their 3 children, David, Edward and Anna, and they were just as in love on their last day together as they were on their wedding day.  They did everything together, they cared and loved and fought for their children together, they grieved together, found the strength to go on together, and finally they died together, and they will be together forever”.  So, as we place our lives at the foot of the cross, preparing to make the stations of the cross as part of the journey of life this Lent.   We make it our great desire that the journey of our lives will bare much fruit, fruit that will last.  Then one our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory to be it Father.

Fr Rory Writes

“O that today you would listen to His voice, harden not your hearts”.

This was the response to last Sundays psalm “O that today you would listen to His voice, harden not your hearts”.

Having said this over and over,  I hope this truly registered with me.  What a dreadful year it has been and right now there is no let up.  We had the Deanery Meeting of the priests and deacons, and I could not get over how stressed they were.  It really is a stressful time.

To begin with the message “Listen to His voice, yes to His voice”, and then to the messages coming from health and safety.  From the beginning of the pandemic, because it is malign and evil, the most potent emotion is fear.  Because of this the importance of the message of Jesus. “By their fruits you shall know them, good trees bare good fruit”.

Now that we have passed “La le Bride” St Brigid’s Day, spring is on its way.  The days are a cock step longer.  Real progress is being made with the vaccinations and please God, before we know it we will be on our way again.  This is a most important opportunity and let us treat it as a fresh start, with the hope of living, learning and celebrating again.

Okay, the message still remains – keep safe, “Festina Lente”, hurry up, but slowly, and this week I am once again expecting Fr Kieran to give me a break, but most important is the message of Pope Francis for 2021:-

“To be happy is to let live the creature that lives in each of us free, joyful and simple.  It is to have maturity to be able to say: “I made mistakes”.  It is to have the courage to say “I am sorry”.  It is to have the sensitivity to say, “I need you”.  It is to have the ability to say “I love you”.  May your life become a garden of opportunity for happiness….. That in spring may it be a lover of joy.  In winter a lover of wisdom.  And when you make a mistake, start all over again.  For only then will you be in love with life.

You will find that to be happy is not to have a perfect life.  But use the tears to irrigate tolerance.  Use your losses to train patience.  Use your mistakes to sculptor  serenity.  Use pain to plaster pleasure.  Use obstacles to open windows of intelligence.  Never give up …… Never give up on people who love you.  Never give up on happiness, for life is an incredible show”.

Fr Rory Writes

There is a little phrase in Latin “Festina Lente” which expresses “hurry up, but slowly”.  This I think and hope echoes our present situation.  Now with a number of people having received the vaccine it is becoming more real, but at the same time because of the amount of people catching and dying from the virus the situation remains very difficult.  Even though the number of new incidents remains high, the need to return to normal life, especially for schools and indeed elderly people is becoming critical on account of the mental stress that is involved.

Safety remains a great concern.  To safely return to a normal healthier life is also now important.  So caution, adhering to wearing masks and social distancing is essential, and to avail of this as an important opportunity to live and learn, and please God, to gain a better quality of life in the future.  This is much to be desired for our catholic Christian community.  I have heard quite regularly of silver linings in the great dark cloud that is Covid 19.  Silver linings may give us opportunities as we return to family and parish life and a good constructive challenge to our future. 

I am taking a break this weekend, with Fr Kieran covering Masses for me.   We will have plenty of time to recover and especially with the season of Lent approaching we can share and strive to live our faith together with confidence and trust.  Then continuing on from last week, the message from Pope Francis, for the next couple of weeks can give us food for thought:-

“Being happy is not a fatality of destiny, but an achievement for those who can travel within themselves.  To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become your destiny’s author.  It is to cross deserts, yet to be able to find an oasis in the depths of our soul.  It is to thank God for every morning, for the miracle of life.

Being happy is not being afraid of our own feelings.  It’s to be able to talk about you.  It is having the courage to hear a “no”.  It is confidence in the face of criticism, even when unjustified.

It is to kiss your children, pamper your parents, to live poetic moments with friends, even when they hurt us”.

Deacon John Writes

Many of you, like Tessa and myself, are unable to attend Mass during the present circumstances and receive Holy Communion. For some time now we have been using Live Streaming as a way of attending mass. This usually includes an Act of Spiritual Communion which is a source of grace. It is a real personal desire to receive Him in sacramental Communion when we cannot attend Mass. This prayer is of the form: 

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my heart so that I may unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.  Amen.

Our Parish Internet site includes addresses where you can follow mass online, including our own site on Sunday. Some sites, such as Hove Sacred Heart Church, have this available daily(8am Monday to Friday with Mgr. Michael Jackson who supplied here for over a year before Fr.Rory came.)

The following Prayer, found on the Internet, was offered by Pope Francis to our Holy Mother for protection during this pandemic:

O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you. At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need, as you did at Cana of Galilee, We are certain that you will provide, so that, joy and feasting might return after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.

We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

With my love and prayers.

Fr Rory Writes

The response to the psalm this weekend is “Lord show me your way”.  At this time to give His word time and attention is about the only thing we can do, and obviously the best also.

Last week in our very difficult circumstances, inspiration and encouragement came to me from our local paper at home.  Following all the scandals with the clergy, another shocking revelation has its focus upon mothers and their babies.  This has to be acknowledged as a great darkness for our nation of Ireland.  I was very much in need of the very welcome surprise when the local newspaper highlighted this message “Pope Francis, a new year message of Hope”, and what a message.

So please God, it will carry me along for the next couple of weeks:-

“You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world.  Only you can stop it from going bust.

Many appreciate you, admire you and love you.  Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments.  To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord.

It is not only to enjoy the smile, but also to reflect on the sadness.  It is not only to celebrate the successes, but to learn lessons from the failures.  It is not only to feel happy with the applause, but to be happy in anonymity”.

To be continued ………….

Fr Rory Writes

“Every day as long as this today lasts, keep encouraging one another” Heb 3.13 from the divine office.

Last Sunday was the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus who was baptised in the river Jordan, by John the Baptist.  This highlights an idea, “that actions speak louder than words”.  But words are so important, as they give meaning to the events.  In this case, no sooner has Jesus come up out of the water, then He saw the heavens torn apart, and the Spirit, like a dove, descending on Him, and a voice came from heaven “you are my son, the beloved, my favour rests on you”.  This gives us a clear picture of the Life in the Holy Trinity of God, which is at the heart of our faith.

Largely, because of the coronavirus, I have spent a lot of hours here in the church.  At the moment, when life is dark and difficult for all of us, for me it is one of the silver linings in the dark clouds of the moment.   Here in the church the sanctuary lamp stands out in the coming darkness.  It is there as a powerful expression of what we hold to be true.  The living presence of Jesus is the Holy Eucharist through His promise “The bread that I shall give you is my flesh for the life of the world”.  The sanctuary lamp and the stations of the cross have a very special memory for me.  Brian Winter was so involved with the decision to bring them forward from the old church, they contribute to the beautiful atmosphere that is in the new church.  A Sister who comes to holiday with us for a week each year, mentioned so firmly that she could spend the rest of her life here in this church.  We are truly blest with it.  So a thank you to Brian, Billy O’Rourke and the team that was with them – a lovely legacy.

A Christmas card made a strong memorable and lasting impression on me this year.  It was a picture of Mary with her child sitting on an ass when Joseph as the scripture tells us “to escape, Herod had to take them down to Egypt”.  This grounds us in real life when there are so many refugees having to leave their homes.  The idea that life is a journey of faith for everybody helps us with our present circumstances.  When we were in the seminary, we were full of hope after the Second Vatican Council that a great  opportunity was in store for us.  Now I draw a lot of consolation from that Christmas card, and the nature of journeys.   They tend to be down to earth.  But inspiration and consolations are important, and highlights again and again that primarily we are a community of faith, and like Joseph and Mary, willing witnesses to our faith in the Christ child.

Fr Rory Writes

Here we go again, a New Year.  In my homily on Sunday I presented what I thought were two powerful images.  The darkest night following the shortest day, followed by the image when the tide has gone out to its furthest distance.  Since then I was introduced by a friend to a more pertinent and purposeful image when he spoke of his garden.  This has been very much confirmed with proper care and attention; already even in the harshest cold, new signs of life are ready to break forth.  Even now the occasional flower is scattered throughout the emerging bulbs.  Life is always getting ready for its opportunity to come to life and to bear fruit.

The Prime Minister spelt out the reality of the moment, with the virus and the numbers affected by it spiralling, with the instruction, stay safe and stay at home.  That is central to our attention.  At the same time we have essential needs, and shopping for food expresses one of our needs.  Other needs surface as life has a multi purpose agenda to it, part of it work.  For us in our Catholic faith there is also a wider agenda and spiritual nourishment is a true reality.

Unlike the spring lockdown, churches can remain open for worship and prayer.  This has its risks and responsibilities, and a reality for me was having to isolate just when we were ready to celebrate our Christmas Masses.  I really know what it is to be in the dark.  Indeed  quite a difficult dark year –  but also receiving a lot of kindness, help and support.  A last moment opportunity to stream a Christmas morning mass, and like the new buds, signs of life to come.

First, the challenge.  We are very short of stewards and cleaners, and we have to really, really appeal for help.  For us to return to our masses will not be easy, but with fresh help, like the buds, life gets ready to begin. 

Please God, days lengthening, tides turning and new life in abundance will come again.