23rd March 2025

“Rejoice and be glad”                       

Well it was not St Patrick’s Day, but it was St Patrick weekend; the celebrations after the 10.30am mass were well fit for purpose, truly enjoyable.  There is a human streak that would say, “but where was the bacon and cabbage”, which some of parishes will say “well we had it”.  The food was truly excellent, and again I have a most grateful heart for all the times our caterers come up trumps.  They are brilliant and we are so blessed to have such a parish group.  Gary O’Brien added the extra touch; providing his guitar and musical skills for the occasion.   Better than that he is at work providing a music ministry for the 10.30am massRehearsals have started on a Saturday morning, 10am to 11am in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, and now provide a platform for some young people to join.  With flexibility and goodwill, this will be a great blessing and bonus for our liturgy.

All good news coming from St George’s church last Sunday.  They had their meeting after mass; it was a very fruitful setting in place,  plans and progress to be made.  Certainly all are prepared to do their very best, and we have to rely upon the leadership providers so that we can bear fruit, fruit that will last, by the fruit that shall know them, they are my disciples.

16th March 2025

Fr Rory Writes:                            “Life Goes On”       

Actually it was Gerry who was responsible for my piece last week.  So it is a good sign that we are singing from the same page, and it is really important to recognise this.  There is a reason why we are in our present situation, and we did not have a meeting of our Parish Finance Committee that was scheduled.

The Parish Pastoral Plan was launched over a year ago, with plans for our new parish, “Eastbourne and St Leonards,” set to begin in November 2024, led by our parish Moderator, Father Kevin Dring from OLR.

In January, Father Kevin introduced a Parish Development Plan outlining the goals for the next six months. A Parish Leadership Group, including clergy and lay members, was formed and began meeting in February. For administrative purposes, the new parish will be split into two leadership hubs: Eastbourne (seven churches, including St George & St Wilfrid’s) and St Leonards (eight churches from Battle to Rye). At this level we looked at developing the goals up to June.

This is a long-term process, and all parishioners are encouraged to contribute. Father Kevin opened last week’s PLG meeting with a reading from Ephesians: “Out of his infinite glory, may he give you the power through his Spirit for your  hidden self to grow strong.” Let’s all grow strong together to make this plan a success.

9th March 2025

Parish Pastoral Plan Update

The Parish Pastoral Plan was launched over a year ago, with plans for our new parish, “Eastbourne and St Leonards,” set to begin in November 2024, led by our parish Moderator, Father Kevin Dring from OLR.

In January, Father Kevin introduced a Parish Development Plan outlining the goals for the next six months. A Parish Leadership Group, including clergy and lay members, was formed and began meeting in February. For administrative     purposes, the new parish will be split into two leadership hubs: Eastbourne (seven churches, including St George & St Wilfrid’s) and St Leonards (eight churches from Battle to Rye). At this level we looked at developing the goals up to June.

This is a long-term process, and all parishioners are encouraged to contribute. Father Kevin opened last week’s PLG meeting with a reading from Ephesians: “Out of his infinite glory, may he give you the power through his Spirit for your  hidden self to grow strong.” Let’s all grow strong together to make this plan a success.

2nd March 2025

From having heard the greetings from the Kelly’s; our communities response:-

Good to hear from the Kelly’s and the greetings.

Community is going to be more important as we move forward and we all need to support one another in this time of change.   The activities in the life of our parish are very important to us and what is best for our future.  In a time of change and so much that is not known what the future will being, activities keep us together as a parish and make us stronger in our faith. 

Nourishment is always important, and a special opportunity comes with Lent and the Jubilee Companion Booklet is a good start.

23rd February 2025

Fr Rory Writes:        

To the parishioners of St Wilfrid’s and St George’s

Nice to hear from family, sometimes especially nice.  They ask to extend their thanks to the parish.

We the Kelly family would like to acknowledge with thanks the love, time and energy you all give Fr Rory in his ministry.  Thank you for the hours you spend assisting him and for being his friend.  It is such a blessing to know he can rely on you for help in assisting him in his ministry.

On Rory’s 50th Anniversary you all excelled in delivering a most memorable day for friends and family.  Words cannot express how much it means to us, Fr Rory’s family in Tipperary.  We will be eternally grateful.          The Kelly Family.

16th February 2025

Deacon John Writes:

National Marriage Week began last Friday and ran until St Valentine’s Day on 14th February. Marriage Week is an annual celebration, and offers an important opportunity for us to support and promote the vocation of marriage and family life. We have all been encouraged to say daily a simple prayer of thanksgiving for the vocation to marriage: I realise that this week of prayer will be over by the time you read this but I encourage us all in the coming week to support the work done in National Marriage Week by saying daily this week the following prayer in thanksgiving for the vocation to marriage: 

“Lord, we pray in thanksgiving for the vocation to marriage and for each couple that you join together to make a family. We ask that every marriage brings each couple closer to you and to holiness. We pray for those who are struggling in their marriage, that they can make it through this tough time and find hope and consolation in You. We pray that this Jubilee year can be a year of hope for marriages, with your gentle guiding hand through each action, decision, discussion and event. We make this prayer through Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.

With my love and prayers for you all. Deacon John.

9th February 2025

Deacon John Writes:

“I am Lord, send me”. Do you think you are up to the following passage in the light of this weeks readings? “God has a different call for each of us. Because each of us is unique, each of us has a mission which no one else can fulfil.  God will use all of us, and particularly what is unique in us, to bring this mission to fulfilment.  Our response must be like that of Isaiah: “Here I am, Lord…send me.” —   “I’ll do it.  I’ll play my part.  I’ll speak to that neighbour,  that coworker, that friend, that relative.  I’ll talk to my daughter about the way she is rearing her children. I’ll keep my mouth shut and refuse to gossip or criticise my colleagues on or my bosses. I’ll pray every day. I’ll learn to listen patiently to those in need.  With Your help, I’ll do it.” ‘’ The following item tells of how one man thinks he is doing it!

A man had spent fruitless day fishing. He didn’t want to go home empty-handed. He decided to stop at a local fish market. “I’d like three good sized fish,” he said to the clerk. “But before you wrap them, toss them to me, one by one.” The clerk looked puzzled at his request, “Sir? That’s a strange thing to ask.” Smiling the man said, “This way I’ll be able to tell my wife truthfully that I caught them!” 

2nd February 2025

The Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, the local Church Leaders write: “We sincerely hope that this ceasefire marks the beginning of a new path towards reconciliation, justice and sustainable peace. May this be the first step on a path that  promotes healing and unity among all the people of the Holy Land.

We eagerly await the return of pilgrims to the Holy Places in the Holy Land. The Holy Places are meant to be places of  prayer and peace, and we long for the day when pilgrims can visit them again in safety and spiritual joy.

Despite the pain we have suffered, we continue to look to the future with unwavering hope. May this ceasefire inspire new efforts for dialog, mutual understanding and lasting peace for all. At the beginning of the Jubilee Year dedicated to hope that does not disappoint, we read in this event a sign that reminds us of God’s faithfulness.

Finally, we call on political leaders and the international community to develop a clear and just political vision for the post-war period. A future built on dignity, security and freedom for all peoples is a prerequisite for true and lasting peace. We urge all parties to implement the immediate steps and negotiate the future steps of the agreement in good faith.

May the Lord bless this land with peace and lead us all on the path of reconciliation and healing.”

Deacon John Writes: Today we are encouraged to embrace God’s call and love others deeply. It also reminds us that faith can be challenging but is worth the effort. We are called to live out our faith with courage and love, even in difficult times.  Remember that the Holy Spirit is always with us to help and guide us in our efforts to follow God’s call. Last week we were told what we are to do and the readings today encourage us in our efforts.

26th January 2025

“Up, Up and away, but not my best decision”

I will be away for my after Christmas break, which is an important decision.  In our new position, when I fear it will be much more difficult to get a supply priest, this influenced my decision.  The fact that Lent and Easter is much later this year could have allowed me to delay going until the longer evenings arrive.

In future much of the responsibility for these decisions will be with Fr Kevin, which is indication of the great amount of work and responsibility that has landed on his desk; highlights how important the challenge we all now face.  This is the work that we are now engaged with.  There are early signs that we are off to a good start, but it is always the outcome that is most important.

Looking forward to this challenge when I return.

19th January 2025

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Jesus, Mary and Joseph life of God

Though He was in the form of God, Jesus did not cling to this equality, but emptied Himself and became like us in all things but sin, even unto accepting death upon the cross.  But God raised Him on a high and gave Him a name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend and every tongue acclaim Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God our Father.

The deanery meeting of the priests and deacons took place on Tuesday, and so the next step is underway.  We are on the way to implementing the new structure and forum of parish life.  Fr Kevin is tasked with being the parish priest and he has presented us with our guide lines to facilitate this taking place.