I don’t know what has happened to the two cow bells kept in the first cupboard under the service counter in the hall. They have been missing for a few months. I would like to know where they are and why they were moved, apart from being very useful they are special to me. Any information please contact me on 07873390944. Thank you.
Author: Jacky
Healing Mass last Sunday
St Wilfrid’s and St George’s thank you Fr Rory for giving us a special spiritual and meaningful service for the sick. As always you make it very personal to each one of us, and we do benefit from your anointing us with the Holy Oils. So many of us went into our hall for tea and cake and a good get together, we needed extra tables!!
Second Collection 27th October
Second collection on 27th October will be for Parish Advent Activities. This will help fund events such as the popular Family Advent Workshop. More details of this activity will be announced over the coming weeks. UK taxpayers can gift aid their donation so please collect the one off gift aid envelope at the back of church and bring it along to mass next week.
World Mission Sunday
Sunday 20th October – Today is World Mission Sunday
Today, parishes worldwide celebrate World Mission Sunday. By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, we stand united as God’s global family, in prayer, solidarity, and action. We are called to ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’ for the joy of Christ’s Resurrection is a gift meant to be shared with the entire world. Please pray for missionaries and give what you can to this vital collection, bringing God’s compassion, peace, and justice to those in need. To donate, use the Missio envelope, call 02078219755 (office hours) or visit mission.org.uk to give a gift, set up a Direct Debit, and Gift Aid your donation if possible.
18th October 2024
As mentioned last week, we will need to read the minutes of the deanery meeting, and here goes:
PREPARING TO BE A NEW PARISH TOGETHER: On 19 November the Deanery Clergy will meet with the Diocesan Team, who will begin guiding us into the formal process towards our becoming a new Parish, from Eastbourne to Rye. There’s no denying it sounds a daunting task, but together all of us will be able to start taking steps to get in place what will be needed for this to work. Already behind the scenes good conversations and meetings are beginning and we have had well attended open meetings across the deanery. The most important task is for us all to PRAY with OPEN and POSITIVE HEARTS. I am confident that if we do this, we will not just be pleasantly surprised but even AMAZED at the good that can be done together to build the Church and share the Gospel in new and exciting ways. There are inevitably many “unknowns”, but we will move at a pace that allows us to do things well and properly, and always for the upbuilding of people and community, and for the welcoming and inclusion of people who are distanced from their faith or who have never yet heard the call of the Gospel.
Regular updates will come through in the weeks ahead and opportunities for everyone to play their part in the journey we will be on together. As well as in our communal gatherings, please keep this intention very much in your personal prayer. God bless, Fr Kevin
Flame Trip Application Form
Christmas Cards for sale
Christmas Cards are now on sale at the back of St George’s Church.
Flame 2025:
St George and St Wilfrid’s Youth Leaders invite all Year 9 to Year 13 parishioners and their friends to attend Flame 2025 at Wembley Arena on Saturday 15th March. Tickets cost £29 plus travel tbc (fundraising pre-event is hoped to cover travel)
ACT NOW – ticket application deadline Tuesday 22nd October, forms containing more details and how to apply are being given out after mass this week or can be obtained by emailing the parish office. More information contact Sandra 07791 627368.
Flame is the biggest event for our Catholic youth in England and Wales, bringing together 10000 Catholic youth for a day of praise and worship like never experienced.
Renaissance Singers & Harmonics Family Singers:
Renaissance Singers and Harmonics Family Singers in Concert supporting Linking Lives Eastbourne. Free Entry with Refreshments on Sun 13 October at 3.00pm, St. John’s Church, Meads, Eastbourne. Donations gratefully accepted. Thank you
Charity Breakfast at St Georges:
Charity Breakfast at St George’s – after Mass. Sun 27th October. Bring your friends and family all are welcome. This month we are raising money for “CAFOD”.