St George’s Readers: Your guides are at the back of the church. Please collect as soon as possible. Thank you.
Author: Jacky
Apostleship of the Sea – Sea Sunday 14th July
Apostleship of the Sea – Sea Sunday 14th July
Next week is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. There will be a second collection for Stella Maris, Apostleship of the Sea, the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church. It provides practical and spiritual support to seafarers visiting our ports. As it is dependent on voluntary donations, please give generously. For more information about its work, visit
Deacon John Writes
Deacon John Writes:
Do you ever stop to try to work out how strong your faith is, how kind we are to those we encounter? In short, how do we rate in those things that make up a good Christian? Of course we won’t always get it right, but neither will we always get it wrong and if we realise this it will help stop us from getting over-confident when we succeed, and from getting too down-hearted when we fail.
Donald Attwater, in his Dictionary of Saints, says that when the Church declares someone to be a Saint: “It does not imply a blanket approval of all a saint’s words and deeds, their opinions, policies, and politics. Saints are not faultless; they do not always think and behave well and wisely. They are people whose personal daily lives were lived, not just well, but at an heroic level of Christian faithfulness and integrity.” They could say in the words of Saint Paul: “I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me.”
Life really is a series of troughs and peaks and together with the description of a saint as someone who is not faultless should be very encouraging to all of us. This should remind us not to get too depressed or worry too much if we think we are not holy enough. No one is holy enough, but be assured being unholy from time to time is quite normal!
John Wesley gave us some useful pointers to help to get us on the right track so that we can follow the way of Jesus, when he said: “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”
Our lives will always be a mix of emotions and we have to find a way to cope with them, to get the balance right. I hope that this article will help.
With my love and prayers.
Cheese & Wine Social
Monday 8 July. You are invited to a Wine and Cheese Social from 6.30pm. At 7.30pm Deacon Paul Scholey, a deacon for over 22 years, with a background in housing and homelessness, will talk and ask the question ‘What is the purpose, goal and essential mission of the Church?’ What do Catholics and non-Catholics believe it to be? Venue: Christ the King Parish Room, 3 Princess Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6HT. Organised by Eastbourne and Bexhill Newman Association. Entrance free. All warmly welcome. Contact Alex 07957632208 or Edward 01424219788 or John 01323 726334
Milk Bottle Tops
Milk Bottle Tops: Thank you to all parishioners who collect Milk Bottle Tops. May I ask you please to wash them first, and to ensure that only milk bottle tops are included in your bags. Thank you.
St Wilfrid’s Children’s Liturgy
St Wilfrid’s Children’s Liturgy will break up for the summer holidays after the 7th July and restart in September.
Churches Together Polegate Willingdon and Jevington
Churches Together Polegate Willingdon and Jevington
Tea in the Tower will take place in the Saxon Tower of St. Andrew’s Church, Jevington, from 11.00 am until 4.00pm on June 29, August 10th and 31st. Visitors will be warmly welcomed to tea, coffee, homemade cakes and savouries. Teas are free, but donations will be very welcome to help in the maintenance of St. Andrews Church. This Norman church has been a place of worship for over 1000 years!
St George’s 1st Holy Communion
St George’s 1st Holy Communion: Last Sunday at St George’s Fr Chris Benyon conducted a lovely service for the 1st Holy Communion of Keon and Lily. Thank you to Fr Chris and thanks to all who contributed to the dignity and beauty of the service. This weekend they will celebrate again and enjoy a feast after Mass.
Humour for this week
Humour for this week: The pastor grabbed the young man by the hand as he came out of the Church after the Easter Sunday Mass, and pulled him aside. “Young man”, he said to him, “you need to join the Army of the Lord!” The young man replied, “I’m already in the army of the Lord, Father”. The pastor questioned, “How come I don’t see you except as a Christmas Poinsettia and an Easter Lily?” He whispered back, “It’s because I’m in the Secret Service of Jesus”.
Knights of St Columba
Knights of St Columba
This year the Order of the Knights of St Columba are celebrating their Centenary Year.
Just after the First World War a group of 24 Catholic gentlemen met and decided to form an organisation which would strive to serve the Church through its tenets of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Currently they have around 4000 members in 300 locations throughout the UK.
This year the Order has (in conjunction with SPUC) distributed over 500,000 Rosary Cards in parishes all over the country. They would like to ask all parishioners to join themselves and SPUC in praying the Rosary throughout the year.
In addition, they would like to ask if any like-minded gentlemen would be willing to join us in the work that they do. For more information please go to