The first St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion Lesson commences on Monday 14th October from 6 till 7pm in the church hall. Any child who hasn’t registered but would still like to be a part of this special event can join on this date and would be most welcome.
Author: Jacky
Ashes of Pat Burke
The ashes of Pat Burke will be interred in the Memorial Garden at St. George’s after the 10am Mass on Thursday October 17th.
Headmaster’s Induction
Headmaster’s Induction
Mr Paul Beverton is being inducted as the new Head Teacher of St Thomas a Becket School on October 20th at the 10.30am Mass, at Our Lady of Ransom Church. All welcome, especially past pupils and friends of St Thomas a Becket.
Fr Rory Writes
Fr Rory Writes:
Prisoners’ Sunday – October 13th
This year, on October 13th, we mark Prisoners’ Sunday, the national day of prayer and action for prisoners and their dependents. It is a day to direct our thoughts and prayers to prisoners, their families and their children. Prisoners’ Sunday provides an important opportunity to reflect on how we as a community can make a difference to the lives of those who are affected by the criminal justice system. It is a time to identify those who are in crisis and find themselves in need of support in our own community.
The work of Pact is the daily embodiment of the most fundamental values of Catholic Social Teaching, the belief in the innate dignity of every human being. The services created by Pact are in direct response to the needs of prisoners, their families and communities. Pact, its staff and volunteers are unrelenting in their dedication to accompanying people on their journey through the criminal justice system to a fresh start.
2019 sees the end of Pact’s anniversary year, which marked 120 years of service. Their work is needed now more than ever and I invite you to support them in any way that you can.
September Harvest Walk
September Harvest Walk:
On 29th September the Children’s liturgy group is organising a short walk and rosehip picking event in Ringmer. We will leave St George’s at 12 am and on our return we’ll be making rosehip syrup in the hall. Everybody welcome.
Lourdes Redshirts’ Fundraising Day
Lourdes Redshirts’ Fundraising – Quiz Night: Saturday 12th October, 6.45pm for 7.15pm, Our Lady of Ransom Parish Centre, Eastbourne. Tables of 6, or just come and join a table! Licensed Cash Bar (please don’t bring your own). Tickets £6. including light refreshments from Maura 01323 430532, Berni 01323 647661 or the Parish Office, Grange Road 01323 723222.
Jean and Ernie Wyatt
Jean and Ernie Wyatt wish to thank everyone for the cards, presents and money and for helping them celebrate a really lovely day. A special thank you to all who contributed with their hard work in making the day very special. God Bless you all, see you when we get back.
Fatima Day – 21st September 2019
Fatima Day – 21st September 2019: 9.30am – 5pm at St Peters. Visitation of the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue (NPVS) of Our Lady of Fatima and Relics of Saints Jacinta and Francisco to Our Lady Queen of Peace, Shoreham-by-Sea Adur Valley. *St Peters, West Street. The day begins at 9.30am with the Enthronement of the Statue, followed by Holy Mass, Rosary and Confession, Veneration of the Relics, Act of Consecration, talk and film on Fatima and the “Little Shepherds”, Adoration, Divine Mercy, and ends at 5pm with Benediction. Please bring packed lunch, drinks provided. Come to find out more of the real message of Fatima. Organised by the World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF). See poster in the porch. All Welcome!
URGENT – Reflection Day for Eucharistic Minister – 28th September – CANCELLED
URGENT – Reflection Day for Eucharistic Minister – 28th September – CANCELLED.
It is with much regret that this day has had to be postponed. We apologise sincerely for any inconvenience this may cause, and will keep your names and let you know as soon as the event is rescheduled.
Fr Rory Writes
Fr Rory Writes:
Treasured Memories
Last Sunday we had a lovely small service for the burial of Brian Winter’s ashes. It is important to remember as the liturgy expresses it “Gone before us marked with the sign of faith”. In the same way that Christmas is not just for one day, so those who have gone before us can play a very important part in our lives, that in turn we too will leave a lasting legacy. When first I came here, I heard many stories of Fr Peter Brady, and people still tended his grave and visited it in our cemetery. Now he will soon be forgotten. We should add his name to the memorial plaque in the Garden of Remembrance. Brian Winter made a generous donation to the project; and asked that it be “ring fenced” so as to spend it upon the garden. His hope it that It would be used for a “prayer garden”. This raises a very important question and challenge to all of us concerning how to ensure greater access for people to pray in the church. We must respond to this so that doors are not constantly locked, but that these facilities which have been provided to us by providence, will make an active powerful contribution to our lives of faith.