Charity Breakfast at St George’s – after Mass. Sunday 29th September. Bring your friends and family all are welcome. This month we are raising money for “You Raise Me Up Café”. We will not have a charity breakfast in August but normal service will resume in September.
Author: Jacky
Becoming a Moderated Parish
BECOMING A MODERATED PARISH: Please take and read a copy of the Letter from Fr Kevin Dring (Dean), at the back of Church. This gives an overview of the process we are on, as a Deanery of 8 parishes, to become a single Moderated Parish in November-December. It also outlines how YOU can be part of the process. We will all need to work closely together, clergy and laity. Understandably there will be concerns and questions about what will happen, but together we can approach the challenges positively and find solutions that support everybody in the best way.
2nd August 2024
“It’s me, it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer.
Not my brother, not my sister. But it’s me, O Lord,
Standing in the need of prayer.
Many years ago in the earlier days of my ministry, we were invited by the diocese to embark on a journey, the focus for the journey being “renew”. For the Jubilee Celebration Mass at St Wilfrid’s, just before the commencement of mass, an old photograph of my mum and dad was followed by a photograph of an oak tree with me standing under it. When the renew programme was introduced I had not long been at the parish, but I had planted potatoes which produced a very good crop that was quickly taken up by customers. Not so fortunate for the renew process. Some parishioners embraced it, and some put in a large amount of work to produce fruit for the harvest, and I have not seen any oak tress in the diocese like the one at St Pauls.
We are now on a new journey, very important to our lives and our communities. Fr Kevin has given us a very important introduction to attach to our newsletter this week, which has a most important bearing on our future. We must give it our very best effort. Here at St George’s and St Wilfrid’s a lot of preliminary work has taken place. At St George’s, Martin Falkner, over the Sundays of August will present us with early offshoots and I will follow them at St Wilfrid’s, which we pray will develop and grow. The welcome introduction prepared by Stephen is a very tangible, purposeful development that will, with the help of God, bear fruit; fruit that will last.
2025 – A Year of Jubilee
2025 – A YEAR OF JUBILEE The Holy Father has named 2025 as a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years. “Jubilee” is the name given to a particular year. A time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis. To prepare spiritually for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to focus on two key elements: a) To study the key documents from the Second Vatican Council, held between 1962-1965 which can be viewed on: b) To focus on prayer. The Jubilee of Hope will begin in December 2024 with Pope Francis opening the “holy door” in St. Peter’s Basilica, offering the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence and a year of special graces.
St George’s Table Sale
We urgently need quality items for our table sale, new and nearly new. This table sale raises significant amounts to our monthly charity and also to assist in Youth Activities throughout the year. Please leave bags marked table sale at the back of St George’s church. If you would like something collected please text Sandra on 07791627368 or email [email protected]. Thank you.
Charity Breakfast
Today, 28th July Charity Breakfast at St George’s – after Mass. Mario and Richard are taking the lead this month and will be cooking up delicious sausage and bacon baps for everyone. We are very lucky to have these two smiling happy chappies with us so make it worth their effort and take time to join, donate for the food and enjoy – bring your friends and family as well. All are welcome. This month we are raising money for Love in a Box. This charity desperately needs as much support as it can get to provide Christmas gifts in boxes to children in Romania, many of whom live in Orphanages. It costs over £3000 per lorry alone to send everything to them. Please give generously. We will not have a charity breakfast in August but normal service will resume in September on Sunday 29th.
Sea Sunday 2024
Thank you for giving to Sea Sunday. Our parish raised £228.06. Your generous gifts will ensure that Stella Maris chaplains can continue to be a friend for seafarers and fishers in times of need. To find out more about how your support helps those who live and work at sea please visit
26th July 2024
Most important that we become communities of faith.
After the great celebrations for the Jubilee and all the goodness, help and support, I had to come back down to earth with a bang. So the focus has to come back on what is truly important to the life of our future. The meeting at Our Lady of Ransom, the attendance was very good, the only big question surrounded the age profile of those present.
Fr Kevin’s presentation for our future was well prepared and laid out as the guiding principles for this. It did not lend much opportunity for discussion and how we might work together to bring it to fruition. I am sure all of this is to be tackled in the coming times. The age profile of those in attendance, particularly what they would say to the children who are now raising children, and seldom attend church was most on their agenda. So they did not find it very helpful.
We will be able to download the material and it is vital to give this great care and attention. The fact is we have been doing some very good work. I brought our “Welcome Card” to the meetings attention. It is excellent but now we must express the same welcome to the catholic communities of St George and St Wilfrid. The focus is spot on and ready for purpose. Clarifying the role of our children’s liturgy and welcome to new members needs to be done. The foundations are ready to be put in place. Speaking for a moment to Bob Waters has been very helpful. His focus was on Pope Francis as he renewed the call for a Synodal approach in the decisions that are facing the church in our time. Returning to our very successful celebrations for my Jubilee in the music and verse, this supports us on our journey of faith:-
“We come to share our story,
We come to break the bread, The divine bread that has come down from heaven.
We came to know our rising from the dead”.
Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024:
Please pray for the 850 people from our Diocese that will Process on the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage this week. We pray especially for Laura, Claudia, Maria and Sandra from St Georges who will be going as helpers. They plan to light candles and request masses whilst they are in Lourdes for our whole Parish intentions. If anyone has anything in particular they may wish a mass to be offered or candles lit for please email Sandra [email protected] or text 07791627368 with the details and she will ensure she does this for you.
A parishioner writes:
Fr Rory’s Celebration
As a relatively new member of the parish I feel compelled to say what a marvellous party the parish held in honour of Fr Rory.. I can only imagine the amount of planning and hard work this took. Everything was so well organised with plenty of food and drink, a toast, a cake as well as entertainment. There was a lovely atmosphere of joy…. and the sun shone. Congratulations to all those involved and thank you for your hard work and service. I feel so blessed to have come to such a parish.