St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion – The children’s first class was attended by all 12 of our candidates together with their parents and siblings. Please remember our First Communion children in your prayers. Annette, Theresa and Sophie.
Author: Jacky
St Wilfrid’s Harvest Festival
St Wilfrid’s Harvest Festival: Sunday 27th October . There is a box in the porch to receive your gifts of tins & packets to go to the Hailsham Food Bank please. The perishable fruits & veg on display under the altar will be taken after Mass and sold to all of us by the children. Please be generous as we would like to select a gift for the Third World Countries through CAFOD World Aid. Thank you.
St Wilfrid’s Feast Day
St Wilfrid’s Feast Day: Celebrated on Sunday 13th October. A jolly time was had by all. After Mass cakes and nibbles were devoured and vanished quite quickly. It was lovely to see so many new parishioners joining in with us. One of the new dads celebrated his Birthday.
Mass for Extraordinary Mission Month
Mass for Extraordinary Mission Month: ‘Baptized and Sent’ The Church of Christ on Mission in the World. Celebrated with Bishop Richard Moth at 11.30am on Sunday 27th October, at the Sacred Heart Church, London Road, Sunningdale, SL5 0JY. Refreshments follow.
St Wilfrid’s Beetle Drive
St Wilfrid’s Beetle Drive – Friday 25th October – 7pm: This will take place in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. Tickets £5 per person, children go free. Raffle prizes, please donate and mark for raffle, these can be left in the hall or church porch. Thank you.
Knights of St Columba
Knights of St Columba: The knights are holding their first ever Poinsettia Sale as a fundraiser to ensure that they can carry on with assisting in charitable events including a donation to Children with cancer. Plants will be for sale at St George’s and St Wilfrid’s after Mass on Sunday 15th December. However, to avoid disappointment you can pre-order using the order form available at the back of the church. Your kind participation is greatly appreciated.
Fr Rory Writes
Fr Rory Writes:
Please God, Bishop Richard’s visit will have been a successful event for all of us; deepening our awareness of his pastoral plan for our Diocese. A big thank you to those who helped with the preparation, and especially to those who have done all the hard work in providing a wonderful fayre that was so enjoyed by all. A grateful thanks also to the music, the sacristans and readers for all their work.
Preparations of our children for Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion are underway and are off to a very good start. We have a considerable number of children at St Wilfrid’s, so please sincerely pray for them. A big thank you for those who are our catechists, as they are truly a God sent blessing to our parish. We will try to support them in every way we can.
We have a number of adult enquiries, and as this is the time of enquiry, please be at ease to ask questions and to give it proper attention. For all of us the life of faith is God’s great gift. If we receive an urge or just feel prompted to get to know more, then now is the time. The life of faith takes place when we as a community regularly gather to listen to God’s word, and share in the eucharistic meal. Formal instruction will begin in Advent and continue on until Lent, Holy Week, Easter and until Pentecost. Again, grateful thanks to those who are prepared to help.
Pope Francis Prayer Intention
Pope Francis Prayer Intention: The Holy Father’s Evangelisation prayer intention for October: That the breath of the Holy Spirit engender a new missionary “spring” in the Church. |
St Wilfrid’s Love in a Box
St Wilfrid’s Love in A Box: This year we will be running the Love in a box scheme run by the Mustard Seed Relief Mission in Eastbourne. You will find leaflets in the porch from this weekend and this gives full details of what is needed to put into a shoe box for a child and is such a worthwhile cause. The boxes go to Moldova and are taken to orphanages and children’s hospitals. A box will be left in the church porch to leave your shoe boxes in. The last day for receiving the boxes at church will be Sunday 17th November.
St Wilfrid’s Feast Day
St Wilfrid’s Feast Day: This Sunday in celebration of St Wilfrid’s feast day, there will be a social gathering with tea and cakes in St Wilfrid’s hall. All are welcome.