Lights of Love, St George’s Church

Lights of Love, St George’s Church – Please note that this will take place on Monday, 9th December at 7.00 pm NOT Wednesday, 11th December as in the publicity material. There are cards showing the correct date and time for St George’s, please distribute these  to anyone who might be interested. Detailed information will follow closer to the 9th.  More cards can be made available, please contact Margaret Piegrome with any queries.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Gone before us marked with the sign of faith.  November has always been a special month to remember those who have died.  From the beginning; almost two thousand years ago they have played a most inspiring part in our Life of Faith.  From the first martyrs to all who have left a rich legacy of faith, these have been our greatest treasure and the greatest treasure in the life of our church.

I am sure we are all blessed with members of our families who have left memories to be treasured, and in this I have been very blessed indeed.  My brother, together with his wife and members of their family, are visiting me to celebrate a very special event.  Recently, it came to our attention that there is a very special person in the extended family.  Sr Celestine lost her life ninety years ago when the convent that she lived in caught fire.  She had successfully secured the children and returned to rescue the blessed sacrament, but sadly died in the process.  The family are invited to a special Mass to mark the 90th Anniversary of this event, so I am very pleased to join them.

It is very important that we continue this tradition of remembering all our loved ones who have died.   With it the importance of having prayers and Masses offered for them.  Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them; may they rest in peace O Lord, Amen.

St Wilfrid’s Harvest Festival

St Wilfrid’s Harvest Festival:  Sunday 27th October .  There is a box in the porch to receive your gifts of tins & packets to go to the Hailsham Food Bank please.  The perishable fruits & veg on display under the altar will be taken after Mass and sold to all of us by the children.  Please be generous as we would like to select a gift for the Third World Countries through CAFOD World Aid.  Thank you.

We are also very fortunate to have a “Bee Keeper” in our midst – Peter, who has kindly offered to give us some thoughts as to why the humble bee is so important to our world.  As you enter the Hall you will be given a Free Raffle Ticket.  After the talk, if your number comes up you can choose from a variety of prizes to do with the Bee Theme, Good Luck!

Children’s Liturgy ‘All Saints Celebration’

Children’s Liturgy “All Saints Celebration” The Children’s Liturgy families of St George’s will celebrate “All Saints” on Friday 1st November at Wilderness Woods ( We will meet at the Wilderness Café at 12 pm; we will have a lovely walk and a campfire, where we will roast chestnuts, sweet potatoes and marshmallows. All welcome! 

Bishop Richard’s Visit to St George’s

Bishop Richard’s Visit to St. George’s was a great success. The Bishop celebrated Mass with Fr Rory and thanked us all for the support we are giving to Father during his recuperation. Bishop Richard commented that Father looked “ten years younger!” The Mass was followed by a delicious Continental breakfast in the Hall. The church and hall were bedecked with beautiful flowers, there was food in abundance and everyone enjoyed talking to Bishop Richard as he spent time with us. Warmest thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the festive atmosphere – without such a supportive and willing team of helpers these occasions would not happen. Thank you also to parishioners from both our churches who gave their time to celebrate with us.

All Saints Day

Friday Nov 1st is All Saints Day and is a Holyday of Obligation.  Mass at St George’s at 10am and St Wilfrid’s at 11.30am.  Fr Rory will bless the graves at Hailsham after the 11.30 mass.  Deacon John will bless the graves in the memorial garden at St George’s after the 9am Mass on Sunday Nov 3rd and at Willingdon cemetery at 11.30am.

Deacon John Writes

Deacon John Writes:

If you are a cat lover some of this will, I hope, resonate with you. If you are not a real cat lover I hope this will, at least, interest you, and, possibly give you some food for thought this week. It is loosely based on a little book with the title “Gospel for cat lovers” by Susan Sayers.

Have you ever thought that praying is like a cat climbing on to the warm lap of the one it trusts and settling there without them getting up whenever the phone rings? Again have you ever thought about what it might be like for a cat waiting to come into the house after being out in a cold night? To a cat it is part of God’s loving kindness when the light comes on in the kitchen when its owner comes down in the morning! Does the cat think of heaven when all the homes in its street think you belong to them and welcome you with food and warm places to sleep? I wonder if the cat thinks of God’s love when it is curls up on the duvet in that warm dent beside a sleeping person. God’s love is like the cat being pleased to see us when we turn the key in the lock and purrs when it is stroked. God knows our sadness and comforts us. This is rather like cats often sensing when someone needs a warm furry friend to snuggle up to. 

A final thought: God’s love is warm, comforting and practical, like fur, wear it constantly, as part of your skin. Like fur, our relationship with God needs regular maintenance. He is the one we can trust because he knows us and understands all our ways.