Afternoon Tea at St Wilfrid’s: Thursday 30th January 2020 from 2-4pm, in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. All over 50’s any religion/no religion are most welcome. If transport is a problem please speak to Joan on 849732 . Look forward to seeing you there for a cup of tea and a chat.
Author: Jacky
Peace Sunday 19th January 2020
Peace Sunday 19th January 2020
The work of Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Our vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in all its forms. Rooted in Catholic Christianity, we work with all who share our values to abolish war and create communities of peace and justice.
White Flower Appeal 2020
White Flower Appeal 2020: The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) will be holding its annual appeal this weekend. On 21st October 2019 the most extreme abortion regime in Europe was imposed on the people of Northern Ireland by the government at Westminster. Abortion will now be permitted for any reason up until at least 24 weeks, and even beyond that. The abortion lobby now wants to introduce this in England and Wales. Please be as generous as you can to help SPUC defend unborn babies and their mothers from this new attack.
Fr Rory Writes
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me, O Lord, standin’ in the need of pray’r.
Not my brother or my sister, but it’s me, O Lord. Standin’ in the need of prayer. Not my brother or my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, standin’ in the need of pray’r.
This time last year I suffered an Acute Psychotic Episode, and with the help of the hospital and all others involved, I made a very good recovery, thank God. This recovery is well established and I am feeling very well about that. Unfortunately it also gave me a problem that at this time I do not have my driving license, but am engaged in the process of getting it back as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I rely upon your prayers and support. I am very grateful to all who have provided transport for me and I continue to need your prayers.
A Prayer for Peace
Draw near us Lord, source of all peace and wisdom, Let your rays of peace circle the globe,Lighting all paths in their wake. Let the power of your peace radiate through the darkness Illuminating the minds and hearts of your faithful. May your Peace inspire acts of unconditional love, Unfettering the chain of selfishness, greed and pain. Release the dove of peace into all homes, Inspiring love, joy and serenity, This we pray through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Thank You
Thank You: to everyone that sent cards and your kind words at this difficult time, it has been much appreciated, Jackie.
St Wilfrid’s Sales Table
St Wilfrid’s Sales Table: Has been re-furbished and new items displayed on the Welsh Dresser, two honesty pots are provided for your generous donations. The money going to various needs of our parish i.e. December takings have been given towards our sound system in the church and hall. Any suitable times and unwanted presents etc. may be left in the church porch/hall marked “Sales Table”. Thank you.
St Wilfrid’s
St Wilfrid’s: What a lovely Homily Mass it was at 5.30pm on Christmas Eve. Thank you Fr Rory. Children are the future of our church and my were they in abundance at the Nativity. Thank you to Annette and Teresa for organising such a lovely moving ceremony. Thank you also to Sophie, whom they all love, and Emily who had only set foot in England from her home in France that very morning. She played the organ & violin for “Away in a Manger” for the children. Is anyone talented to play an instrument for us? Do let us know, as Emily returns home on Friday 3rd January. Back here for Easter, please God.
St Wilfrid’s Christmas Social Gatherings: Both parties for young and not so young were well attended and a jolly good time was had by all. Why not join us next time we have a social gathering, you are most welcome. The Christmas Raffle made £102. Thank you to all who bought tickets and gave prizes. The money has been given to Annette to cover some of the cost of dressing up clothes and props etc. for the very successful Children’s Liturgy Group.
Are you Married? – Your diocese needs you!
Are You Married? – Your diocese needs You!
The newly formed Eastbourne and St Leonards Deanery is looking for couples/married individuals who would be prepared to help assist in preparing couples for marriage. No training is necessary and there are a variety of ways in which you can help.
If you are interested in finding out what is involved and how you might help without committing yourself you are invited to attend a social gathering of the small group who are already looking to help at the Church of Christ the King, 3 Princes Road, Eastbourne BN23 6HT at 7pm on Thursday 16th January 2020. We need your help!
If you would like to help, please come along BUT please let Simon Kirkdale know for catering purposes at [email protected]
Wool for the Baby Unit at EDGH
Wool for the Baby Unit at EDGH: We are going to have a sales table at St George’s Hall during January 2020, to raise money to purchase wool, so that we may continue to knit garments and blankets for the Baby Unit at the EDGH. All unwanted Christmas presents will be most welcome and any suitable objects. Please give them to Tessa, Cathy or Margaret Neville. Thank you.
A New Year’s Resolution
A New Year’s resolution suggestion that is easy to keep would be that of giving free gifts to people. The following list of suggestions, which came from Australia, could form the basis of this. I am sure you could think of further ideas yourselves to add to the list.
10 FREE GIFTS YOU CAN GIVE at any time, any day of the year and you can give them more than once!:
1. Gift of Listening
2. Gift of a Sign of Affection
3. Gift of a Note left as a surprise
4. Gift of Laughter
5. Gift of a Game shared together
6. Gift of Doing a Favour
7. Gift of a Cheerful Disposition
8. Gift of Silence
9. Gift of Compliment
10. Gift of Prayer