St Wilfrid’s, Teas & Coffees after Mass on Sunday

Usually Ann Hoad makes the teas/coffees, sets up tables etc., but currently she has shingles.  Ladies and gentlemen stepped up to help for which we thank them.  As Ann will be absent for a while we would be very pleased if other people could help out please.  Lulu very kindly cleans away for us each week and we take this opportunity of thanking her so much.  If you can help please, just slip away before the last hymn and get the kettle on, it will be all set up for you.  Thank you in advance.

Please say a prayer that Ann will return as soon as she is able.  We send our best wishes to you Ann.  Sophie says “Thank You” to all who helped celebrate her birthday last week after Mass. The very large cake was gone in a flash!

Volunteer Catechists & Children’s Liturgy Assistants (St Wilfrid’s)

As we are about to commence our new year of Children’s Liturgy and sacramental preparation, we give thanks to all those who freely give of their time to support this most valuable ministry. We would like to give a special thanks to   Angie Squizzoni who is now stepping back from her role        following her recent retirement. Her enthusiasm and dedication will be greatly missed.

Our Sacramental preparation programmes and Children’s Liturgy sessions are dependent on the number of volunteers available. Going forward, we only have 2 catechists available at St Wilfrid’s to run both of these programmes and without     further support it may not be possible to offer a Children’s Liturgy session every Sunday in term time. One DBS checked adult catechist is needed for every eight children to meet the child safeguarding regulations.

If you are willing to give a little of your precious time, want to learn more about your faith and share it with others, then please email Jackie at [email protected] or speak to Teresa or Annette. We would especially like to encourage parents to consider joining our team so that we can continue to offer this service to your children.  Prior experience is not necessary, support and training will be provided.

16th August 2024

So important that we continue on our pilgrim way on life’s journey.

At times like this, easier said than done.  Thanks be to God for a very special moment of grace, last week had a blast from the past.  Myself, Joan and Granddaughter Sophie visited Elizabeth Robinson.  She is very blessed because her nursing home near the seafront in Bexhill is looking after her very well and she is very happy there.  Sophie and Elizabeth’s husband Peter, did a lot of work together for our parish and we cherished good times together.

So needless to say I continue to pray for our future.  Words are always selective and we choose what we like to hear from “Letter to all parishioners of the Deanery – July 2024”.  We won’t be about “closing down” but building up what we already have, sharing all our good resources.

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024

Laura, Claudia and Maria can not thank you all enough for your generosity in raising funds to send them on the Lourdes Pilgrimage last week. Claudia went as a redshirt (school year10/11) and was guided along with 100 others by some amazing youth leaders and chaplains, they led prayers in   hotels, provided welcoming and other ministries at all masses, including the red carpet wave and high five or two, putting smiles on all faces and warmth in our hearts. Maria a purple shirt (Year11/12), helped her assisted pilgrims daily, pushing wheelchairs, attending masses, music concerts, tours and having lunch at the hotel with them etc. Laura was a  younger (20s) helper in the Accueil, a nursing facility for those assisted pilgrims with the highest needs. Laura supported them all daily with love, kindness and care. She said half way through the week “I am blessed to be here, and I am so thankful to Our Lady for bringing me here and our parishes for the  financial support”. Out of all of us, Laura’s helper experience was really the ‘in at the deep end one’, but after, something she shared she did while on shift, I know she made the biggest difference of all to those she cared for and it gave her so much hope and faith in our Lord and herself to be there and do just that. 

As a group we will prepare a presentation in October for you all where we can share photos, videos and details of our combined experiences and encourage many more of our parish (assisted and non assisted pilgrims, helpers and youth) to join the pilgrimage with us next year. 

Masses for our deceased parishioners and our parishioners intentions have been requested and candles lit. Thank you and God bless you all for your prayers and generosity.

Delve Deeper into the Sunday Scripture Readings:

DELVE DEEPER INTO THE SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READINGS: with world-renowned Scripture scholar Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB and his wonderful reflections on the Sunday Scriptures. These easy-to-follow reflections are suitable for individual or private reflection, families praying together or breaking open the Word in prayer groups. Go to The Wednesday Word at

9th August 2024

Wishing you all the joy and renewed energy that this holiday season may be reviving and beneficial to you. 

Many, especially those who were involved in education were in real need of this.

The two remarkable Great Feasts of August.  We have just celebrated the Feast of the Transfiguration and this week on Thursday we will celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Lady into Heaven.  When I was growing up this was very well celebrated and was a part of a great event.  The importance of the celebrations is their focus upon the splendour of Our Divine Majesty, The Infinite Goodness of God.  One day His glory will be revealed  and our work will be done. 

Grace and peace.

2025 – A Year of Jubilee

The Holy Father has named 2025 as a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years. “Jubilee” is the name given to a particular year. A time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19   pandemic, and a climate crisis. To prepare spiritually for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to focus on two key elements: a) To study the key documents from the Second Vatican Council, held between 1962-1965 which can be viewed on: b) To focus on prayer. The Jubilee of Hope will begin in December 2024 with Pope Francis opening the “holy door” in St. Peter’s Basilica, offering the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence and a year of special graces.  

Table Sale St George’s

We urgently need quality items for our table sale, new and nearly new.  This table sale raises significant amounts to our monthly charity and also to assist in Youth Activities throughout the year.  Please leave bags marked table sale at the back of St George’s church.  If you would like something collected please text Sandra on 07791627368 or email [email protected].  Thank you.

Pantomime Planning

CTK/St Joachim’s Parish is planning a Pantomime for the end of January 2025 and they have asked if any of our parishioners would like to join in as cast/backstage crew etc. If you are interested in finding out more please pass your name and contact details to Sandra ([email protected]) in the first instance. A meeting will be held in September if enough interest is generated.