An idea for Lent

An Idea for Lent:   Why not try to attend a weekday Mass?

St Wilfrid’s on a Wednesday 10am & Rosary at 9.30am, Tea & Coffee after in the Hall.

St George’s on a Thursday 11.30am.   Lenten Lunches at 12.00pm after the 11.30am Mass on each Thursday during Lent, except this Thursday 5th March, 1st Thursday will be at 11.00am beginning with Adoration and Benediction and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession. Also, our very moving Reconciliation Service on Tuesday 31st March at 6pm in St Wilfrid’s Church.

St Patrick’s Day Lunch

St Patrick’s Day Lunch:  Tuesday 17th March.  We are going to the Treacle Mine to celebrate at lunch time, 12noon.  Vouchers available to cut cost.  If you would like to join us, there is a list in the church porch for your name and telephone number please or contact Joan on 849732.  Don’t delay as we have to book several large tables asap.   Of course our friends at St George’s are very welcome to join us.  Lets make it a jolly gathering.

APF Mission Box Holders

APF Mission Box Holders:  could you please bring in your boxes within the next two weeks for counting.  Your promoter can also visit you at home to collect the box if you prefer.  In the year 2019 the Mission Boxes generated £968.91.  Another splendid result!  Thank you all for your generous support.  (Doris Jung your local APF Secretary).

Revised Film Club Notice

Revised Film Club Notice:  St George’s Film club next films will be: Sunday 15th March, (2011) Documentary about the master sushi chef Jior Ono.  29th March (2010) Japanese animation about a family of tiny creatures. 12th April (2009) A famous pop star finds a new meaning of life in a rural setting. All films start at 3 pm.

2020 Family Socialising Calendar of Events

2020 Family Socialising Calendar of Events:  St George’s

Children’s Liturgy will be organising several opportunities for all our parishioners and in particular our families with younger children to spend time together in 2020 – please see noticeboards for full list.  The first event is our Family Stations of the Cross followed by Lent Poverty Lunch at St George’s Church 11am Saturday 4th April.  The second is our annual Abbots Wood gathering on Sunday May 17th from 12noon.  More details will follow, but please do pop the dates in the diary and ask other friends and family members to also.  Both are very enjoyable occasions and really give us all a chance to enjoy time as a Church Family together outside of our weekly mass.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Lent returns to us again, and time to say Lent means Spring.   This season in the church is so important to all of us.  Returning from Ireland after a break of 10 days with my family gives much food for thought and prayer.  The shortage of priests and indeed the attendance at Mass is very much the plight of the church in Ireland.  A priest friend from the past publicly expressed it “the engine is still running, but the wheels are going nowhere”.  For us and our parish it is most important that we become communities of faith.  We have lost some great people, and so our response must be to follow their example with more of us working together to build upon the legacy they have left us.  We are very blessed by our churches.

Returning to Deacon John’s message during Lent last year is a very good step in the right direction.  It is really excellent.

As we listen to the message of Jesus each week may all we do during Lent prepare us to celebrate Easter. May we grow more like him every day, and show everybody that our faith is about good news of joy and light and life. May he strengthen our faith, and help us grow in our love and care for one another. It has been said that the experience, of Peter, James and John in last Sunday’s Gospel helped the apostles to cope with the troubles of life.
How would you feel if you were given a T-shirt with this verse from Isaiah 40 printed on the back?

Those who trust in the Lord will have their strength renewed.

They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not grow weary.”

To be continued next week so that we can seek the fruits of God’s spirit and that they may work within us.