Please pray for the repose of the soul of Archbishop Peter Smith: Eternal rest grant to him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen
Author: Jacky
Coronavirus Update
Coronavirus update: The Diocese has ordered that, due to Coronavirus threat, all catering in churches and halls must cease. Therefore, we are reluctantly cancelling the planned Lenten Lunches. Tea and coffee cannot be served after Mass for the foreseeable future.
Way of the Cross up Beachy Head
Way of the Cross up Beachy Head to pray for All Suffering in Mind or Heart. Sunday March 29th at 3pm starting from Bede’s School Car Park.
Coronavirus Update
Coronavirus Update: The Diocese has issued revised guidelines to every parish. These include:
(a) Asking anyone with cold or flu symptoms not to attend Mass.
(b) Advising the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, those with long-term conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart disease, to stay at home.
(c) Not to pass the collection plate around.
What we will do locally is to have the collection basket in the porch and ask you to place your offering in it on the way out. If you would prefer to make your offerings by monthly bankers order or by online banking, then this would greatly help us, as our volunteer cashiers would have less money to count and bank. The bank details for St Wilfrid’s are: HSBC: Sort Code: 40 05 20, Account Number: 61077023, St George’s Sort Code: 40 05 20, Account Number: 51077090.
Fr Rory Writes
Fr Rory Writes:
At the end of this month, on Sunday 29th March, England will be re-dedicated as the Dowry of Mary. This is an important celebration for this land, dedicated to Our Blessed Lady by King Richard II in 1381 following an older tradition going back to the time of Edward the Confessor.
The re-dedication will take place in all our Cathedrals on the 29th and I would ask you to ensure that your parish community shares in this celebration through the praying of the Angelus and an Intercession for this country and the praying of the “Hail Mary” in the Prayers of the Faithful on that day.
It is the intention to produce a booklet to provide a novena leading up to the 29th and copies will be made available when received.
Annette’s Birthday Bash
Annette’s Birthday Bash: Having been suitably embarrassed after Mass with us all singing Happy Birthday, accompanied by Emily on her Violin. The children presented her with a big bouquet of flowers and a card with little messages from them inside. Then in the hall for cake with sparklers – Lulu’s special Lemon Drizzle Cake. We know it’s Lent, but we are sure the good Lord will forgive us. He knows how hard Annette works for our Liturgy and First Communion Children. She puts so much time and effort into it all and the children and our community really do appreciate all she does. It was all a Big Thank You to her.
Hailsham Foodbank
Hailsham Foodbank: Are looking for volunteers to assist at the Easter Holiday Shack. Wed 8th April – Children’s Centre, Vega Close, Town Farm, Hailsham and Wed 15th April – The Diplock’s Hall, Diplock’s Estate, Hailsham. In order to run these event we need to have your support in volunteering time, if you can assist between 11am-1.30pm on either or both dates we would be grateful. Contact 01323 398358 or [email protected] for more information. Thank you.
Lenten Lunches at St George’s Church
Lenten Lunches at St. George’s Church – each Thursday throughout Lent delicious soups, bread and butter are being served in the Hall after 11.30 Mass. Menus are available on the preceding Sundays. There is no charge, but you will be asked to make a donation to the charity chosen that day. On the 5th March we raised money for CAFOD and Children with Cancer. If you have a favourite registered charity you would like us to support, please contact Margaret 870 990.
Coronavirus Update
Coronavirus Update: To reduce the possibility of infection St George’s Church has installed a hand sanitiser in the church porch. Please use this as you enter the church. Unfortunately, at present hand sanitiser seems to be in short supply, so we advise parishioners to use their own hand gel, if they have any, (it should be at least 60% alcohol content to be effective) before and after Mass. As soon as stock comes in, St Wilfrid’s will also be installing a hand sanitiser in the church porch. Also, in light of the current advice, please take note that if you have returned recently from countries or parts of countries where the virus has been found you are advised not to attend church services and self-isolate for at least 14 days. Thank you for your co-operation. before entering the church. Thank you
Fr Rory Writes
Fr Rory Writes:
Continuing our return to Deacon John’s message for Lent last year………
One person who did said that it taught him where to find God in this unpredictable and often discouraging world. He said it taught him that God is the Power that replenishes, that renews our strength when we have none left. He relates that he learned that God works miracles today by enabling ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He has seen weak people become strong, timid people become brave, selfish people become generous. He has seen people care for their elderly parents, for brain-damaged children, for wives and husbands in wheelchairs, for years, even decades, and he asked himself, where do people get the strength to keep doing that for so long? Where do they get the resources of love and loyalty to keep going?
His answer was based on that T-shirt: That when we are weary and out of strength, we turn to God and He renews our strength, so that we can walk and not feel faint, so that we can run and not grow weary. It taught him where to find God in this unpredictable and often discouraging world.
Today, may we pray that we, and those whose lives have been shattered by what has happened to them, will be able to do the same. May they have their strength renewed, so that they will live their lives with wings as eagles, that they will run and not grow weary.
Please God, we too will find words from scripture that will strengthen and support our faith day by day.