Harvest Mass September/October

St Wilfrid’s Sun 29th September:  During the family mass we will be led by our children’s liturgy in celebrating the harvest and give thanks to God for our food, our farmers, and all who produce and supply it. Please bring your offerings of fresh harvest produce to the church, at the Friday mass or on the day of the harvest mass. We will sell fresh produce afterwards to raise further funds for CAFOD. Gifts of tins & packet foods are requested during the month for Foodbank, please leave them in the labelled box in the porch as soon as possible. These will form part of our display. Most needed item list is at the back of church. 

St Georges Sun 6th October:  Same format as above except fresh produce donations requested by 8.45am at Sunday mass.

Thank you for your generosity.

Fr Rory’s 75th Birthday

Fr Rory celebrates his 75th birthday on September 24th and what better way to   celebrate this than by joining us for a sponsored walk along the Cuckoo trail on Sun Sept 29th? You may recall that Fr Rory had hoped we would all walk with him along this trail that links our two churches together as part of his golden Jubilee celebrations.  Sadly, this event was postponed due to the closure of the Cuckoo trail for that weekend.  We will set off at 3pm from St George’s Car Park Polegate and walk via the Cuckoo Trail to St Wilfrid’s Hailsham (approx. 3miles). At St Wilfrid’s we will be greeted with warm hospitality and a delicious birthday tea.  Sponsor forms will be available soon at the back of church. Please gather as many sponsors as you can from friends and family.  We are raising funds for CAFOD. If you are unable to walk please come and celebrate the birthday tea with us at 4pm . 

23rd August 2024

“Another Outing”

Last week I shared our experience of a visit to see Elizabeth Robinson, which was a great moment of grace amidst all the adversities of life.  She was a blessing and a joy to visit.  Reminiscing on moments from the past, and the special contributions of Peter and Sophie from confirmation preparation, plus treasured memories from our past.

This week I am about to set out on a much longer venture, when we will visit Fr Jerry Twomey in York.  He was ordained with me at Thurles in June, fifty years ago.  We joined the seminary together, six years earlier.  I look forward to sharing with him treasured moments from that time.  We were very blessed with aspects of our experiences, and one of the professors was a true treasure that can never be taken away.   Other aspects were fit for purpose, and we looked forward to a rewarding time of ministry in the church.

I am afraid that was not sadly how it turned out and continues to be echoed in the times we are living.  The seminaries are closed (a sign of not fit for purpose) some will not be pleased by the reminder.  Fr Jerry’s health has let him down, so he has made the decision to retire.  I am really looking forward to our time of sharing.  I am hoping and praying that this visit will be equally rewarding as the one with Elizabeth.  In fact I am sure it will be a great help and I am looking forward to it.  Please God, it will help to open my eyes to see the beam in my own eyes before attempting to take out the splinters in other peoples eyes.  Also, help me as I look forward to our future following on the moderated plans in Fr Kevins letter, laying out the focus for our future.  Please continue to give the letter the care and attention that it requires.

St George’s Hall

Mon 26th August 10am – 5pm – Board Games Enthusiasts Fair.  This is a group who enjoy all board games from across the decades.  They have an annual fair where like minded people meet play and buy/sell games.  They are holding the fair as a charity event for Demelza, the children’s hospice.  All welcome.

St George’s Fire Drill – Sunday 15th September

The Diocese recommend that we have a fire drill at least annually.  Although we are giving notice of it, to   ensure it is as authentic as possible, following      consultation with Fr Rory, it will take place during Mass, prior to the offertory procession.  Appointed fire stewards will ensure prompt evacuation of both the church and hall where children’s liturgy will be taking place. The evacuation assembly point is on the pavement, Eastbourne Road, right in front of the church. Afterwards, we will return to the church and continue with Mass. It is very important that as a community we know how to evacuate safely. The weekend before, during the notices announcement slot, there will be a short talk on the fire drill.

First Holy Communion Programme 2024-25


First Communion Preparation: Parents are invited to enrol their children for our First Holy Communion Programme 2024 – 25 (those entering Year 3 or above). Application forms to join the programme are available at the back of the church and on the parish website. The course will begin with an introductory meeting for parents on September 25th at 6.00pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall.  Deadline for enrolment is September 15th. For more information, please     contact Teresa Palmer. 07951082592, [email protected]