At St Wilfrids, there are many activities and events for all ages that bring the community together to socialise and broaden our faith. Over the years we have been able to raise money to build our new church to accommodate a growing community and a beautiful memorial garden where our loved ones ashes can be laid to rest in the arms of our Lord. A beautiful designed wooden bench is available in the garden where we can sit, rest and reflect on our loved ones.
Our new church was opened by Bishop Richard with many priests and clergy in attendance, it was such a beautiful mass and thanks to the new design, the church has good all round sound and vision. The lighting is perfect, especially the halo glow over the altar. Everyone who comes into our church remarks what a lovely, peaceful, warm and happy place it is.
The youth of our community take part in the mass through operating the projector, displaying meaningful pictures and words to reflect the Gospel of the day, and the lyrics of the mass.
Perhaps you are wondering what has happened to our old church? Now this has most successfully been turned into a purpose-built hall, wheelchair friendly of course. Many activities take place here, social gatherings and religious, i.e. instructing our children for their First Holy Communion, etc…
Welcome to St Wilfrids

Many thanks to Lulu and Agata who are continuing to keep our church looking amazing with all the beautiful flowers both inside and out.

St Wilfrid's Afternoon Tea
All over 50’s welcome, not only our parish but of course our friends at St George’s, indeed we will welcome Christians from other religions or no religion. There are so many lonely older people shut away in their homes, we thought we would try to get them together for an afternoon tea and chat. Just once a month (last Thursday of the month). The afternoon is free, but there will be a pot if you would like to donate. If transport is a problem or you would like more information please speak to Joan . Look forward to seeing you.

Activities and Entertainment
After the Sunday morning mass people are invited to join us in the hall and chat over tea, coffee, biscuits and very often a celebration with cakes. We offer a sales table, with various gifts. Donations to be placed in the honesty pot, where various charities gain from the proceeds. On the last Friday of the month after mass, bereaved or lonely people are invited to join our group to take comfort in each other’s presence and chat to others in the same position. Trained parishioners with a listening ear are on hand to help, in a comfortable atmosphere gathered around a table, where refreshments are available for free.

St Wilfrid's Memorial Garden
Continuous to progress and as a very positive, helpful place to remember treasured memories and to express our mindless love for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. This plaque will be displayed in our memorial garden next to the church.

Children's Liturgy
(Above) Our Catechists: Annette, Angie and Teresa. During the Sunday Mass every week, our children are led out after the opening prayer to the hall where our catechists teach the children the Gospel of the day through activities and games. After the Bidding Prayers the children lead the procession of the offertory gifts, before laying their gifts at the altar and re-joining their families. On the last Sunday of every month, our children remain with their families to take part in the mass through readings, music, offertory, PowerPoint and Altar Serving.