Fr Rory Writes

“On the horizon a Golden Jubilee”

When God’s glory is revealed, then our joy will be full. 

On my journey of life this has always had a fixed and most important focus for my faith.   A focus when many times the hard reality of trials and tribulations left be living with all my weaknesses, faults and failures as a parish priest.  Triumph by the power of Him who loves us. 

For many, this is much more embodied in the words “pie in the sky when we die”.  When I reflect upon this response I can understand those who would more honestly continue to reflect this as being more authentic.  It is not what they find in the world of religion we bring to them.  It is a real challenge.  Our call to be disciples was fundamental to the message we received from Fr Seamus Ryan, with other very important contributions from professors while we were at the seminary.   Leaving us with an anchor that is important.  Confronted with the present situation, so far from our hopes and aspirations the challenge remains.  This has received powerful expressions for me in the music and verse:-

“We come to share our story,

  We come to break the bread, The divine bread that has come down from heaven.

  We came to know our rising from the dead”.

Truthfully and sincerely this is what I find in our parish community.  I am privileged to be here and look forward to working together.   Let us continue.