Deacon John Writes

Last week I wrote about the Holy Spirit and how we should make the ‘Word go forth” as President Kennedy spoke about in his speech to the nation in 1961. It is a daunting prospect. But there are many ways, large and small, that we can keep the flames of that first Pentecost burning. These include the following:

Start with Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman’s favourite prayer: “Come Holy Spirit Make our ears to hear, Make our eyes to see, Make our mouths to speak, Make our hearts to seek, Make our hands to reach out and touch the world with your love.  AMEN.” 

We do it every time we whisper a prayer for peace.

We do it when we volunteer at a food kitchen, or give to a charity, or donate to missionaries overseas.

We do it when we support the work being done closer to home, in this parish, such as the food bank.

We do it every time we choose to spend our Sunday mornings praising God, instead of finishing the sports pages or the crossword.

We do it when we hold the hand of a friend who is hurting, or bring a smile to someone who is lonely.

We do it when we strive to love, to give, and to hope.

Pentecost marks the coming of the Spirit to empower the church to carry out the Great Commission. As a result, every Christian today is baptised with the Holy Spirit when they are baptised. Every day we need to pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. “Come Holy Spirit Make our ears to hear, Make our eyes to see, Make our mouths to speak, Make our hearts to seek, Make our hands to reach out and touch the world with your love.  AMEN.”