Fr Rory Writes

“Please God, Spring is started and new life is beginning”

Thanks be to God, we have signs of renewal.  Now the most important aspect is to avail of the opportunity.  We started on Saturday morning to make some fresh steps.  At St Wilfrid’s alongside the sacrament of reconciliation we had veneration of the blessed sacrament and the divine office.  At St George’s from 11.30am we had the service of   reconciliation, all a very good start in the right direction.  Speaking to my Sister Mary, in Ireland, due to age profile of the priests and shortage, there is now a greater urgency among the people to strengthen and nourish their faith.  Life in the spirit seminars, veneration of the blessed sacrament and liturgies of the word and holy communion are a     growing part of their response.  Some years ago there was a great response to services of reconciliation and at times churches were packed for them. 

Now please God, one day and one step at a time, we will develop and grow the ministries, with other devotions as important windows.  These take time and years to develop and grow.  The RCIA provide a great structure for           guidance, but must become and will help us to sustain structures throughout the year, the year of life which our faith my provide.