Fr Rory Writes

“Jesus show us the way to the Father”

Bishop Richard has presented to us the outcome of the process of consultation to provide a pastoral plan for the future of our diocese.  This is now on the website and is available to all, and we are encouraged to study it.

I return to the most important focus of all “Jesus show us the way to the Father”.  I am greatly sad, and when I return to the sharing’s that were made at the beginning of the consultation concerning the life of the church after the 2nd Vatican Council.  Our responsibility to be aware of nearly all our seminaries closing, with a resulting shortage of priests, and our responsibility to God.   Jesus show us the way to the Father.  God our Father knows what is best.

A body is made up of many parts working together and very good work is being done to serve this.  Our celebrations over Christmas and our expectation for our future plans for working together is exactly what is needed.  Stephen and Martin are giving great leadership, and a most important date when we make our first step to meet our challenge is now announced for Sunday 21st January, 2pm to 4pm in St Wilfrid’s Church.  A very special and important date for our future.