Las Posadas

Las Posadas – A Journey towards Christmas

The tradition of having figures of Mary, Joseph and a donkey travelling from home to home during Advent originated in Mexico where it is known as posada. During Advent our nativity figures take a journey around the Hailsham area. Would you be willing to welcome them into your home for the night? It’s a great way to prepare for Christmas and fun for the whole    family! Two families meet every day in December as part of our preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus, with one family handing the nativity over to another. It comes complete with suggested readings, prayers and Christmas hymns.

If you would like to be part, all you have to do is put your name on the list is in the narthex. The travelling nativity will be brought to you on this day. The following day you will deliver it to the next family on the list. You can agree the arrangements and the time to meet with the families yourself.