Families & Children of the Parish

Notice for all our Families with children or grandchildren under 18 and their friends – Children’s Liturgy in both our churches will resume during the masses on Sunday 10th September, we would love to see even more children joining us so spread the word to any other families you know who may not currently regularly attend.

Our Parish Children’s liturgy runs weekly during both St George’s and St Wilfrid’s Sunday services during term time. We welcome everyone with our friendly smiles, child friendly teaching of Gods Word, creative opportunities to demonstrate understanding and lots of chances to have fun celebrating our faith with our friends. For more information on Children’s Liturgy speak directly to any of the catechists or email Father Rory at the Parish Office for your details to be passed on to the team.

And there’s more…as well as the weekly Children’s Liturgy we run a First Communion Programme for all year 3 or above children, a confirmation programme for our older children and plan activities outside of mass several times a year, see our Newsletter for more details of what we will be doing next.   Details of all will follow.