Fr Rory Writes

Our Sponsored Walk Today

With the help of God, our walk will do me and indeed all of us some good.  My ability to ask for sponsorship money does not bode well for its financial outcome; but its social value is of great importance.  Quite a number of key        persons for our cause are away, but hopefully it presents an important opportunity for our parish communities to reach out.

I am always impressed by Mary’s Meals.  As well as reaching more than 2.4 million hungry children every school day with our life-changing meals, we do everything we can to help in emergency situations.  It is thanks to your kindness that Mary’s Meals is a shining beacon of hope in dangerous and desperate times.  Already this year we have responded with urgency to the earthquake in Syria and the cyclone in Malawi.  We are also providing emergency aid to people in Tigray, a region in Ethiopia that was locked in brutal civil war for two years from November 2020.

Our Mary’s Meals family longs for the day that it is safe for classrooms to reopen so that we can return to serving our school meals to children as they learn.  In the meantime, your donations to our Crisis in Ethiopia Appeal will enable us to keep doing all we can to bring hope to the people of Tigray as they try to rebuild their lives. 

Thank you for all you do for the world’s poorest children.