Fr Rory Writes

‘As Good as Gold’

and with the help of God, far more valuable.  We had our first parish council meeting to lay out the tasks and responsibilities.  To focus our care for our parish and with the help of God “bear fruit, fruit that will last”.  Jesus could not be clearer “by their fruits you shall know them, good trees bear good fruit”.

For years now there has been question marks about the number of priests that are available to serve in our parishes.  An honest assessment is that in the prevailing circumstances a great shortage, not likely to change any time soon.  Now with the help of God, we will respond to our present circumstances and the Lord will provide.

Two thousand years ago, the church was in exactly the same situation, coping with the circumstances of their time.  One idea they came up with was deacons, God’s grace always works in other ways.  The greatest obstacle always is human nature effected by the sin of Adam.