Easter 2023

Well what a great Easter it was this year, celebrated in our two churches. Maundy Thursday at St G’s, lovely service to start Easter and the first time to take wine from the chalice since Covid.  Three services on Good Friday, especially enjoying the children’s own version of the Stations of the Cross, the children reading was very moving.  Easter Vigil at St W’s; starting in our hall by candle light, then outside around the new fire, blessing the two Easter Candles for both churches, then into the church for the rest of the special service.   Easter Sunday at both churches were very well attended.  At St Wilfrid’s many young families attended; the future of our church.  A great turnout in our hall after for Easter refreshments/Grand Easter Raffle.  We had so many willing people helping out, a big thank you to all of you.  Without your willing help these special occasions would not be possible.  Most of all we have to thank Fr Rory, without him and Deacon John all the lovely services for Easter would not be possible.  Thank you to everyone who helped in anyway to make our Easter Services really wonderful and fulfilling.