Fr Rory Writes

“Waters of life cleanse and refresh us, raise us to life in Christ Jesus”

Please God, this Sunday we celebrate the baptism of Maceo Adelaja.  I hoped that this celebration would have taken place on the feast day for the baptism of Jesus.  The waters of baptism open the way for God’s salvation, but above all focuses our need for community.  A very important moment during the celebration, is the lighting of the baptismal candle from the paschal candle.  It is then handed to the parents and godparents with the words “This light is          entrusted to you to keep burning brightly, your child has been enlightened by Christ”.  The parallel with the natural order is the same in the order of grace.  This is the beginning of a new life and I will continue to return to this during our journey through Lent, Easter and Pentecost. 

As you see in our parish newsletter this week, the recommendations of our parish council.   A lot of work has taken place and now it is time for it to bear good fruit, so please give this great care and attention