Whole Parish Harvest Celebration & CAFOD Fast Day 7th October

Last Sunday’s Harvest Masses were extremely successful, donations to the foodbank were generous Eastbourne

confirmed 62.9kilos being received and Hailsham a good haul so far that will be collected w/c10th Oct. 

Please Note: St George’s has a basket for ongoing weekly donations and St Wilfrid’s will continue to collect up to 9th October.  The demands on this local charity to feed those in need are at there highest.

Our Cafod fundraising so far has raised over £320.  St George parishioners’ charity breakfast was delicious and donations were generous.  St Wilfrid’s sale of fresh produce was also extremely fruitful with promises of more payments this week.  Our thanks to all those who gave their time to plan these fundraisers and helped with  baking, donating fresh foods,  serving and selling on the day.  And of course those who attended and bought.

We still have more opportunities to maximise the Parish Harvest support to CAFOD with Next Friday’s Harvest Fast Day (7th October) there  will be a retiring collection next Sunday after mass.  Please collect an envelope.