Deacon John Writes

All three readings for this Sunday speak a lot about “Faith” and how it works in our lives. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: “To one who has Faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without Faith, no explanation is possible.” It is this Faith that is the basis of the readings today. They give us three concepts of Faith. The theological virtue of Faith enables us to believe something to be true and therefore worthy of trust simply because it has been revealed to us by God. In his instructions to Timothy, Paul shows Faith operating as a believing, trusting, loving relationship with Christ. The third concept of Christian Faith is that trusting Faith is God in action, shown by steadfast loyalty, fidelity and total            commitment to Him. This results in our offering ourselves to Him in those we encounter, through our humble, loving service. 

This ought to lead us to three things we should do this week and every week. First, we need to thank God, giving Him the credit for our well- being.  It is easy to forget God’s providence when our earthly affairs are going well.  We often pray to Him only when trouble strikes – that is too late!  In His Infinite Goodness however, God often answers such prayers. A stronger Faith will help us to accept the adversities and the trials of life when we ask God to “Increase our Faith, Lord!” at all times.

Secondly we can increase our Faith ourselves by becoming active servants of God.   We grow in Faith as we act in Faith. Surely we can find many ways to help to make Christ known to a neighbour – a quiet word, a charitable gesture, an unselfish interest in a neighbour’s troubles can do more good than a multitude of sermons given by some well known theologian.

Thirdly, we need to grow in Faith by using the means Christ has given us in his Church – through prayer, Bible study, participation in the Mass and leading a determined spiritual life.                      With my love and prayers for you all. DJ