October – The month of the Holy Rosary

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary, it is a good time to pray the Rosary more frequently.  The Holy Rosary is one of the best known Catholic devotions. We can pray the Rosary anywhere, alone, with our family/friends, or as a parish group .  In our Parish there are opportunities to pray the Rosary together, all are welcome to join them. 

Our Parish Rosary Group, takes place at St George’s  Church.  It started in 2009 and some of us are still going strong! We have met every Monday afternoon at 2.30pm , except on Bank Holidays and, of course, during the pandemic. We have a core group but are frequently joined  by others praying for a special intention , we pray for any intention that is passed to us. After our prayers we enjoy tea and cake and always have a lot to say to each other. Visitors and new regular members are always more than welcome. For more information or to request an intention please speak to Jean Hines or make the request via the parish office FAO Parish Rosary Group.

The Rosary is also prayed before weekday masses  at St Wilfrid’s on Wednesday and Friday.