Deacon John Writes

His Majesty King Charles III has expressed the wish that all in the Catholic community know of his gratitude for the many prayers that have been offered for the late Queen and for the Royal Family during these past weeks. 

Deacon John Writes:

Speaking at a Requiem Mass for the Queen celebrated at Westminster Cathedral on Friday 9 September, Cardinal Vincent Nichols said: “Queen Elizabeth took so many opportunities to explain her faith, gently yet directly… She saw, as [St Paul did], that it was her duty to proclaim her faith in Jesus Christ. And, she said, among the treasures that flowed from that faith was her readiness not to judge others, to treat people with respect and without unnecessary criticism, to make them welcome.”

Prayer for the Royal Family — Almighty God, source of all consolation, we pray for the members of the Royal Family who mourn the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Uphold them in your love and pour out on them the consolation of your healing Spirit.

Let them find in your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ comfort in their sadness, certainty in their doubt and courage to live through this hour. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for the King — O God, to whom every human power is subject, Grant to your servant His Majesty the King wisdom in the exercise of his high office, so that, always revering to you and striving to please you, he may constantly secure and preserve for the people entrusted to his care the freedom that comes from unity and peace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit God, forever and ever, Amen.