The World Meeting of Families

The World Meeting of Families – 22-26 June 2022  Pope Francis said “there is no such thing as a perfect family, there are always buts”. In his prayer intention for June, Pope Francis focused on the upcoming World Meeting of Families. He said “The family is the place where we learn to live with one another, to live with young people and with those who are older. And by being united in our differences—young people, the elderly, adults, children—we evangelize with our example of life.” He reminded us that God is always with us  “He remains with us at all times in the swaying of the boat tossed by the sea: when we argue, when we suffer, when we’re joyful, the Lord is there and accompanies us, helps us, and corrects us.” As we draw closer to the celebrations on the 10th World Meeting of families let us recall our inner sense of holiness.” Let us pray for Christian families around the world. May each and every family embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.”  To find out more about the World meeting of families go to W: World Meeting of Families 2022 Rome – #WMOF22 (