SYNOD 2023 – Listening and Participating

After the successful launch of our Parishes focus on Synod 2023 we are now delighted to start work on hand out two, which you will receive this morning.

To recap, The Synod, initiated by Pope Francis, is a process in which the Church encourages its people (you) to listen and learn and a vessel by which we can communicate to the Pope what WE believe is needed for OUR future Church.  This is an extremely important step and you, the parishioners of St Wilfrid and St George, are invited to take time to be part of it.

Last week we worked on answering questions relating to Our Companions on the journey. Communion.  Some of you hopefully undertook this as individuals, families, or smaller groups.  We are also delighted that many of you chose to be part of it in one or both of our meetings that we held on Wednesday and Saturday.  All these responses will be passed to the Bishop.  They will also be used to help us as a Parish consider what is needed for us to unite further on our journey in faith.

Week 2 – YOU are invited to Speak Out Some more…

This week, as requested by Our Pope, we are invited to reflect on the following issue, and let him know our thoughts:-

Week 2 – Listening – Participation, handout available today at mass.

Private, Individual or Group responses can be handed in via the box at the back of Church – marked Synod.  You are also encouraged and very welcome to attend either or both of the following meetings being held for the Parish:-

Wednesday 26th January after 10am Mass – St Wilfrid’s Hall

Saturday 29th January 10am – St George’s Hall

Next week  – Week 3 – Speaking out, Mission, handout available from Sunday 30th January

Further information:

www.abdiocese/ – this includes the Diocese document and an online easy to use survey.  Even if you undertake this survey though, which we wholly encourage, please also take time to respond to the Parish survey.