St Wilfrid’s Church

Our collection for the “Lourdes Fund” in honour of our Hannah amounted to £140.  David and Ann, Hannah’s parents wish to thank everyone who so generously contributed. 

This year at our Christmas Party , Sunday 19th December, after our Carol Service in the Hall, we have decided not to have a large raffle, but instead a large tombola with many prizes.  So if you have a suitable prize you would like to contribute, please leave in our church porch.  Thank you.

There will also be a “Children’s Tombola”, 50p a go, prize for everyone.  Father Christmas will be far too busy to visit, so each child will take home a “Goodie Bag”, please put your name on the list on the Notice Board in the church porch.  No Name, No Goody Bag.

Don’t forget our Christmas Sales Table.  It is there all the time now because the many organisations hiring our hall have requested it and the money is flowing!  You may have noticed the chair in our porch overflowing with warm goods for “The Homeless at Christmas”.  Please bring items suitable so we can help the homeless to keep warm this winter.  We have an organisation who will collect these goods and distribute them for us.  There is also a collection pot.  Let us show them we feel for them at St Wilfrid’s