St George’s Celebration of Life and Faith

St George’s Celebration of Life and FaithSunday 26th September 9am Mass, will be a special Mass of remembrance of those we have lost, especially those lost during the Covid-19 pandemic, but it will also be a celebration as our community returns to be together again.  We hope as many parishioners as possible will be able to attend.  After mass we will all gather in the remembrance garden where Father will bless the recently planted rose bushes in memory of all those whose lives we have celebrated during the service.  This will follow with a celebratory breakfast, raffle and tombola. 

Don’t let the celebrations end there – our children and their families are hoping you will join them to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon enjoying family games, bingo, quiz, and a lunch.  More info to follow but please do put the date in the diary and let others know.  All are welcome. 

Please RSVP – For catering purposes we would benefit from knowing numbers so please RSVP via the list at the back of church or call/text Sandra on 07791 627368.