“Gaudete Sunday; Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoice”
Often much easier said than done, so we constantly return to the First Advent Candle; the Candle of Hope, it gives great purpose to our Sunday liturgy. Now the work that is being put into our communities is beginning to bear fruit, so the more we rejoice is essential. This world will constantly bombard us with evidence that there is a Kingdom of darkness, so it is so important to give expression to the Kingdom of Light.
As you would expect in the natural order, we find greatest expression of this. Evidence and examples of this great importance; the Aurora Borealis gives great expression of this. We are provided with great evidence from their experience, because there is so much evidence recorded. Now in the light of God’s Holy Spirit at work in us, when from our parishes a joint meeting took place at OLR for a meeting with people in different ministries, sharing their experience and trying to establish a plan and a pattern for us to work together. In my heart I could only say this is what we should have been doing 30 year ago.