Fr Rory’s Birthday Celebrations & CAFOD Harvest Appeal:

A very big thank you to everyone who donated goods for the Harvest Festival Mass. Hailsham Foodbank were delighted to receive your much needed contributions.

Another thank you goes to the 32 walkers who accompanied Fr Rory on the sponsored walk. Upon arrival at St Wilfrid’s we were greeted by parishioners from both parishes and shared a lovely birthday tea with him. Big thanks go to all those who worked so hard to make this day a success. Fr Rory really enjoyed celebrating his 75th birthday with us. God bless him.  All funds raised from the sale of fresh produce and the sponsored walk go towards CAFODS Harvest Appeal.  Please return any outstanding sponsor money by October 13th. To date we have raised an amazing £1,250 but we hope to   supplement this with the money raised for the Family Fast Day envelopes and St George’s charity breakfast on October 27th.  Thank you again to everyone who has made a contribution – we are very proud of our generous community.