Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory’s Birthday celebrations and CAFOD Harvest Appeal:

Come and join us in celebrating Fr Rory’s special birthday next Sunday, September 29th. We all give thanks that he has chosen not to retire, just yet! 

We are encouraging all parishioners to sponsor Father Rory as he walks between our two parish churches, departing from St Georges, Polegate at 3pm. Or, if you are able to join him along the walk, please collect your own sponsor forms and cheer him along. Sponsor forms are available at the back of the church. Following the walk, we will celebrate with a birthday tea and musical entertainment in St Wilfrid’s hall from 4pm. If you are joining us for the walk or coming along to the birthday celebrations, don’t forget to add your name to the list at the back of church. This will help us to cater for everyone’s needs. 

CAFOD Harvest Appeal:  CAFOD’s Harvest Family Fast Day is on Friday 4th October, a day we can pray, give, and eat simply in solidarity with our global family. Thank you for your support of previous Fast Days and thank you for your generosity and prayers for our sisters and brothers in this Harvest Appeal. This year’s appeal is focusing on supporting people like Daniel, a young man in Democratic Republic of Congo.  Daniel’s family didn’t always have enough to eat, despite both of his parents working. There was no money to send him to school. Now Daniel is carving a better future for his family with carpentry skills he learned in a CAFOD-funded training centre. Give to CAFOD today and you’ll fund training, tools, equipment and safe spaces so more people like Daniel can learn new skills and fulfil their God-given potential.
 Please share the link with your family and friends and help us to reach our target of £500 for the CAFOD Harvest Appeal