Fr Rory Writes

Most important that we become communities of faith. 

After the great celebrations for the Jubilee and all the goodness, help and support, I had to come back down to earth with a bang.  So the focus has to come back on what is truly important to the life of our future.  The meeting at Our Lady of Ransom, the attendance was very good, the only big question surrounded the age profile of those present.

Fr Kevin’s presentation for our future was well prepared and laid out as the guiding principles for this.  It did not lend much opportunity for discussion and how we might work together to bring it to fruition.  I am sure all of this is to be tackled in the coming times.  The age profile of those in attendance, particularly what they would say to the children who are now raising children, and seldom attend church was most on their agenda.  So they did not find it very     helpful.

We will be able to download the material and it is vital to give this great care and attention.  The fact is we have been doing some very good work.   I brought our “Welcome Card” to the meetings attention.  It is excellent but now we must express the same welcome to the catholic communities of St George and St Wilfrid.  The focus is spot on and ready for purpose.  Clarifying the role of our children’s liturgy and welcome to new members needs to be done.  The foundations are ready to be put in place.  Speaking for a moment to Bob Waters has been very helpful.  His focus was on Pope Francis as he renewed the call for a Synodal approach in the decisions that are facing the church in our time.  Returning to our very successful celebrations for my Jubilee in the music and verse, this supports us on our  journey of faith:-

“We come to share our story,

We come to break the bread, The divine bread that has come down from heaven.

We came to know our rising from the dead”.