Deacon John Writes

Recently I have written about the Holy Spirit. There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit so over the next few weeks by way of relaxation, I will present some jokes which are based on these gifts:

A. The Gift of Wisdom

1) Four-year-old Amanda was taken to the doctor’s office with a fever.  The doctor looked in her ears and asked, “Who’s in there?  Donald Duck?” she said, “No.”  He looked in her open mouth, “Who’s in there?  Mickey Mouse?” Again, she said, “No.”  He put his stethoscope on her heart and asked, “Who’s in there?  Barney?” — Amanda replied, “No, Jesus is in my heart.  Barney is in the pocket of my underwear.”

2) “Where there’s smoke…” There is an old joke about a man who asked his priest whether it was okay to smoke while he prayed. His priest said, “Absolutely not! When you pray, you should be completely devoted to prayer!” So the man went to another priest, but he changed his question, “Would it be okay to pray while I smoke?” “Yes, of course” was the answer.

3) Qualifications?  Several years ago in Germany,  a Bishop was questioning the children who were about to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation: “Who can administer the sacrament of confirmation?” he asked. A young girl          answered: “Any bishop, once he’s attained the age of reason!”