Fr Rory Writes

A focus for our prayer.

Back on the road again to give our attention to this special and important time of our year.

The Ascension of Our Divine Lord into Heaven, and the out pouring of the Holy Spirit at the Great Feast of Pentecost, provides us with the power of the Holy Spirit to help us to bear true witness to our faith. 

Almighty and ever living God, you raised up your son, Jesus Christ, when we afflicted Him with all our sins so having Him crucified.  Now that you have raised Him to life, and life of the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us, so that we may receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self control.  Help us to   become more responsible as the people of God, growing in the ministries of the church at this time.  Through your Holy Spirit we may become communities of faith, growing in the ministries.  At the present time we are especially  focused upon the ministry of welcome, and ministries of the eucharist, equally aware of ministry of the word, ministry of music; of formation, of social care and action.