St Patrick’s Day Celebrations at St Wilfrid’s:

Fr Rory started us off with a special mass, mind you all Fr Rory’s Masses are special.  Teresa gave us a shortened version of St Patrick’s life, the children did their bit as it was their turn to do the readings, we have some very good readers in the making, then it was over to the hall for a buffet picnic, beautiful cake, homemade by Lesley, Irish music was played, and we all joined in singing.   Not many of us can get up to dance a jig now! But our legs and feet were doing so sitting down.

Next week will be Easter Sunday, so this week is the last date for bringing in empty or filled bags, box is in the porch to receive them please.  After last years very successful table full of surprise bags, lets make this years even better!  These will be on sale after Easter Sunday Mass in the hall, adult £2 & children £1, prize everytime.  There will also be refreshments, a time to mingle and get to know your fellow parishioners and celebrate as Lent will be over.